The perennial plant Matricaria belongs to the common Asteraceae family. Among the people, picturesque flowers are called chamomile for the detailed similarity of inflorescences-baskets. It is known that in the 16th century the culture was called “Roman color”, from the Polish word “romana” – “Roman”. Matricaria is a herbaceous plant, which is characterized by a pinnately dissected structure of the leaves. Shields with hemispherical inflorescences in the form of baskets, bisexual tubular flowers of yellow tone, collected in a disk, pistillate false reed buds of white shade.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Matricaria flowers exude a not strong, but specific smell.

Views from photo

Some types of matricaria are very popular among modern landscape designers. Unpretentious flowers favorably and naturally emphasize the style, evoke associations with endless fields dotted with a scattering of white daisies with yellow centers. The Matricaria genus includes about 20 different species, among which the most popular for planting in personal plots are Sadovaya, Chikhacheva, Pakhuchaya, Maiden.


Large garden chamomile Matricaria, or the largest popovnik, belongs to the Compositae family. The flowers of this species have a specific aroma, as well as the following characteristics:

  • branched, tap root system;
  • single, erect, faceted, branched stem;
  • stem height – up to 70 cm;
  • leaf plates – oblong, spatulate, serrated along the edges;
  • arrangement of leaves alternate, sessile;
  • the form of inflorescences is single baskets, up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • the tone of the inflorescences: tubular buds of a yellow hue, false-lingual flowers of a white tone;
  • the fruit is a cylindrical seed, up to 2 mm in size.
Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

In the garden, flowers are placed in the same zone with field crops to create an additional natural color of the composition.


The type of Chikhachev flowers (Matricaria tchihatchewii) is characterized by lush flowering. In the wild, plants are found on the rocky uplands of Asia Minor. For decorative flowers, the following parameters are characteristic:

  • bush height – up to 30 cm;
  • bush shape – highly branched;
  • peduncles – leafless;
  • inflorescences – single, in the form of baskets;
  • tone of inflorescences: tubular flowers are yellow, reed – white.
Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

In modern landscape design, the Chikhachev matricaria flower is used to decorate rock gardens.


The odorous matricaria (Matricaria discoidea) is not used for decorative purposes. Its main purpose is medicine and cosmetology. For a culture whose homeland is the Far East, the following features are characteristic:

  • bush height – up to 30 cm;
  • bush shape – highly branched;
  • leaves twice pinnately divided, with pointed lobes of a linear flat shape;
  • leaf arrangement – sessile, alternate;
  • small inflorescence baskets;
  • tubular yellow-green flowers.

For odorous matricaria, the presence of only tubular flowers and the complete absence of reed flowers is characteristic.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Odorous matricaria is used to treat inflammatory processes, poisoning, as well as in cosmetology for hair coloring.


Matricaria maiden (Matricaria parthenium), or excellent matricaria (Matricaria eximia), or chrysanthemum parthenium (Chrysanthemum parthenium), compares favorably with other varieties of daisies. The decorative flower is characterized by compact size, pronounced aroma and the following parameters:

  • bush shape – highly branched;
  • bush height – up to 40 cm;
  • sheet plates – carved, lobed;
  • the form of inflorescences is baskets (simple or terry);
  • diameter of inflorescences – up to 2,5 cm.

Maiden chamomile has a large number of varieties that are distinguished by amazing decorative properties.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

The white star matricaria variety is characterized by simple inflorescences-baskets of white color.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Matricaria variety “Aureum” is distinguished by large yellow-golden leaf plates, bright inflorescences with a yellow center and snow-white marginal flowers

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

The variety of flowers of the Matricaria “Golden Ball” amazes with the beauty and grandeur of chic spherical inflorescences of golden tone, which include exclusively tubular flowers

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Matricaria variety “Snow Ball” is characterized by lush spherical white inflorescences with wide reed flowers

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

The delightful convex shape of the inflorescences of the Lemon Santana Matricaria variety is distinguished by the light yellow color of the baskets.

How to grow from seed outdoors

Matricaria chamomile can be grown at home from seeds. The seedling method is considered the most effective.

When to plant

Seeds are sown for seedlings in late March or early April. In the second half of May, when warm weather sets in, mature and hardened seedlings can be transplanted into open ground.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Matricaria seedlings are transferred to open ground when the threat of return frosts has passed.

Fundamental rules

Experienced flower growers note a few simple rules, the use of which will allow you to get guaranteed high-quality and healthy seedlings of matricaria flowers:

  1. Small, shallow containers or boxes are chosen as a container for seedlings.
  2. The soil should be light, loose, fertile, from equal parts of peat, garden soil and sand.
  3. Seeds are laid out at a distance of up to 3 cm from each other to a depth of 1 cm.
  4. After completion of the layout of the seeds, the crops are thoroughly moistened from the sprayer.
  5. To create a greenhouse effect, a container with seedlings is covered with plastic wrap or glass.
  6. The place for placing the container with crops should be well lit, warm.
  7. Periodically, the shelter is removed, ventilated and condensate is removed, if necessary, sprayed with a spray bottle.
  8. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the seedlings are transferred to a cooler place to prevent the seedlings from stretching in height.
  9. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings swoop down, placed at a distance of no more than 4 cm from each other (in the case of transferring plants to a common container) or in disposable containers.
  10. Before planting in the ground (second half of May), the seedlings are hardened for 2 weeks.
  11. Seedling bushes are planted in prepared shallow holes along with a clod of earth at a distance of up to 30 cm from each other.
  12. After transplanting seedlings of matricaria into open ground, the plants are thoroughly moistened.
  13. After soaking up water, the bushes are sprinkled with compost or dry soil.
Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Most ornamental varieties of matrikaria can be grown independently from seeds.


Caring for decorative matricaria flowers is quite simple. Each plant needs its own area for development. In the process of growth, the seedlings branch, close, form a beautiful and picturesque sketch. Chamomile is completely undemanding and undemanding to growing conditions. For a culture, it is enough to perform the main stages of care: watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, removing weeds, removing faded inflorescences to maintain a neat and well-groomed appearance.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Chamomile clearing is an amazing sight that can decorate any local area


Matricaria chamomile flowers prefer sunny, open places, or partial shade. In the shade of buildings and tall trees, plants will stretch in height, flowering will be less intense.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Decorative chamomile “loves” bright sunlight, so it blooms luxuriantly and plentifully in open glades


There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil for various varieties of matricaria-chamomile. The culture prefers universal soil, since in the natural environment plants are found on almost all continents. Chamomile will grow and develop more successfully if high-quality drainage, sufficient fertilizer and moisture are provided. Attention should be paid to the indicators of groundwater occurrence. The accumulation of water after snowmelt and the rainy season can provoke waterlogging of the soil, causing the death of the root system.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Matricaria flowers can propagate by self-sowing in any soil.


Complex organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for decorative chamomile. The first top dressing is applied 2-3 weeks after transplanting seedlings into open ground. During the growth period and at the stage of budding, fertilizing with nitrophoska is ideal (2 tablespoons of the drug per 10 liters of water).

All subsequent top dressing is carried out every 2-3 weeks throughout the entire flowering period. After flowering is completed, potassium sulfate or superphosphate is used (1 tablespoon of the product per 10 liters of water).

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

It is important to periodically fertilize decorative matrix with compost, rotted manure or peat to ensure more active flowering.


Decorative flowers of matricaria-chamomile “prefer” regular, moderate watering. The plant tolerates drought more easily than stagnation and excess moisture, which harm the root system. Experienced gardeners recommend watering chamomile with warm water in the morning or evening.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Watering decorative chamomile should be after sunset to avoid exposure to scorching sunlight


After flowering, the withered flowers of the matricaria are cut off so as not to spoil the decorative appearance of the flower garden. With the help of sterile, sharp garden tools, it is necessary to cut off injured, broken, dried stems, shoots, leaves, peduncles so that the plants look neat.

In late autumn, the bushes are cut off completely, covered with peat, sawdust, leaves, spruce branches.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

In spring, the shelter is removed, perennial decorative chamomile bushes develop with renewed vigor.

The difference between caring for garden and home chamomile

Caring for garden and home (room) chamomile has its own differences.

When gardening, it should be remembered that seedlings that have just been planted in open ground and early shoots need intensive and frequent watering. 2 weeks after engraftment, plants in flower beds and beds adhere to the following mandatory care elements:

  • watering 2 times a week;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • weeding of weeds;
  • mulching plants with a thin layer of peat 1-2 times per season.
Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Matricaria flowers are popular “inhabitants” of modern mixborders, which bring a touch of naturalness and closeness to nature, are most preferred for eco- or ethno-landscape design areas.

Homemade daisies in a pot are a unique decor for the interior. Most often, compact, decorative, unique plants called feverfew or leucanthemum are planted in containers. Since the height of the bush reaches 20 cm, the plants need the following care:

  • small but spacious pot;
  • nutrient soil;
  • timely watering.

After flowering, the plant is cut off and transferred to a cold room, watering is reduced, and “hibernation” is provided. In February, the houseplant is transferred to a warm room, watered abundantly after the appearance of the first buds.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

A touching daisy pleases with delicate flowering for a long time


Reproduction of various types and varieties of matricaria flowers is carried out in three ways:

  • seed, by self-sowing or growing seedlings;
  • by dividing the bush of an adult plant;
  • cuttings, separation of viable shoots from an adult plant.
Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

The seed method is the most commonly used in practice.

From seed

The vast majority of flowers of the genus Matricaria are grown from seeds. Under natural conditions, chamomile reproduces by self-seeding. Flower growers prefer to grow seedlings, which are planted in open ground in late spring or early summer.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Seedlings of matricaria flowers are planted in open ground when the air temperature is set to more than + 15 ⁰С

By dividing the bush

Adult flower bushes of decorative matricaria (4-5-year-old plants) must be updated periodically. The division is made in September, after the end of flowering. The mother bush is completely removed from the ground with a shovel. The plant is divided into parts, young, healthy, viable root shoots are chosen for reproduction.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Matricaria flower plots, planted in the ground in autumn, transform into a beautifully flowering, healthy plant in spring.


In the summer, healthy shoots for cuttings can be cut in adult matricaria flowers and immediately planted in open ground. The soil for placing the cuttings must be watered abundantly, lay the recess with wet moss. The shoots are deepened, covered with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect (heat and diffused light).

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Rooting of cuttings of Matricaria flowers occurs in 15-20 days

Diseases and pests

Decorative types of matricaria flowers, like wild-growing “relatives”, are resistant to pathogens and pests. In some cases, the culture can be affected by such diseases:

  • gray rot;
  • fusariosis;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew.

To get rid of fungal diseases, it is necessary to treat the affected matricaria bushes with fungicide solutions 2-3 times per season.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Fungal infections most often appear on matrikaria bushes during prolonged rains.

Among the insect pests that damage the flowers of the matricaria, wireworms, thrips, aphids, star-winged flies can be distinguished. For the purpose of prevention, weeds should be constantly destroyed, insectoacaricides should be used.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

To get rid of wireworms that harm the flowers of the matrix, it is necessary to set special traps

Decorative role in the garden and in the interior

In landscape design, matricaria flowers are used as a border culture, in mono-plantings, in an ensemble with other ornamental plants.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Decorative matricaria flowers planted along the paths until late autumn delight the eye with an attractive and well-groomed appearance.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

For the design of landscape areas, it is best to choose terry varieties of garden matrikaria, which are characterized by lush flowering, an abundance of large inflorescences

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Daisies easily get along with various garden crops: marigolds, euphorbia cypress, ageratum, cornflowers, field poppies, roses, lilies

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Since chamomile blooms from June to late autumn, the plant gradually replaces its “neighbors” in the garden, retains its decorative properties for a long time.

Matricaria: photo, planting in the open field and care

Pink pyrethrum, or medium-sized chamomile (up to 50 cm tall), with inflorescences of raspberry, pink, purple flowers, is distinguished by exceptional decorative properties


Matricaria goes well with the vast majority of ornamental garden plants: with a reigning rose and a modest forget-me-not. The height and size of chamomile bushes are in perfect harmony with other representatives of the world of flora. Many folk beliefs claim that chamomile brings love, tranquility, peace, good luck and harmony to the house. Translated from the Greek language, the flower “matricaria” sounds like “heat”. Since ancient times, people have used the healing properties of chamomile during childbirth, as a drug that relieves pain.

Matricaria unpretentious but touching flower for the garden

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