Mathematics for children 3-4 years old: entertaining tasks for mothers to note, learning
Learning at home in a family is easier and more enjoyable for a child than classes in developmental groups. Already at the age of 3, mom and dad can teach the baby the basics of mathematics.
First steps in mathematics for children 3-4 years old
You can start teaching mathematics from the age of 3. In the first step, allow your child to master the concept of quantity. The first steps are mastering the concepts of “many-few”, “one-many”, “nothing-many”. When the child is aware of the number “one”, it will be possible to add other numbers.
Math for children 3-4 years old will help prepare for school
Here are some examples of fun activities:
- Ask your child to count how many hands, how many noses, eyes, etc. Learning mathematics begins with knowing yourself and your body. Later you can ask how many hands the mother has, how many paws the dog has.
- Give math assignments in between. When washing dishes, ask how many cups or plates you have washed and how many are left to wash.
- Use toys while counting. For example, ask a boy how many wheels his car has, and a girl how many dresses her doll has.
- Offer your baby pictures with different objects and ask how many objects are in one picture or another.
In the process of such a game, the child will quickly master the count.
Note for mom: how to teach counting
After the kid has mastered the basics, start learning addition. Place 1 cube in front of the baby and say “one plus one”, put the second cube in front of the baby and add “equal to two”. There is no need to explain to him the meaning of the words “plus” and “equal”. The child will understand them out of context.
Let the baby say all the phrases with you. Repeat the action with different objects, and let the baby try to fold them himself. Add a third item later. Gradually complicate tasks. You need to solve no more than 3-4 examples per day.
In the next step, learn to subtract. The principle is the same as with addition. Subtract 2 from 1 cubes, then 3 from 2, and so on.
Don’t chase a quick score. The development of the child should be gradual and comprehensive.
At 4 years old, begin to acquaint the child with numbers, that is, with the symbolic designation of numbers. For this, it is convenient to use purchased or home-made cards with numbers. Also at this age, you can acquaint your baby with the concept of equality and inequality. For example, give him 2 pebbles in each hand and explain that he is holding an equal number of items.
If you prepare your child properly at home, it will be much easier for him at school. Start learning math with your toddler as early as 3 years old.