

Mastopexy or breast lift is a cosmetic surgery operation aimed at raising the breast.

What is mastopexy?

Mastopexy, also called breast lift or breast lift, is an operation that aims to lift the breast and focus it on itself. 

The expression “breast ptosis cure” is sometimes used. Indeed, breast ptosis refers to the sagging of the breast. However, whether this sagging is natural, genetic, linked to pregnancy, aging or even weight variations; it does not in any way represent a disease.

How does a mastopexy work?

Preparing for a mastopexy 

Performed under general anesthesia, this procedure requires a preoperative consultation with an anesthetist. A mammogram should also be done. 

As this is a cosmetic surgery operation, two consultations should be carried out to ensure that this is the best option to improve the patient’s well-being.

On the day of the operation

Once the patient is asleep, the doctor makes an incision to tighten the chest and remove the excess skin.

Depending on the degree of breast sagging, the doctor will make either an incision around the nipple (“areolar”), or an incision around the nipple descending to the fold under the breast (“vertical”), or an incision around the breast. nipple to the breast fold, following this fold (“inverted T” scar).

The operation lasts between 1h30 and 3h.

Once the operation is complete, the patient is monitored for a few hours in the recovery room before being able to return home.

The days and months following the operation

After the operation, the patient will have to wear a support bra for a month, then avoid metal underwired bras so as not to damage the scars.

Scarring can be improved with regular massage of scars and the use of silicone dressings. 

In order to respect the healing times, the resumption of work, sports activities and the carrying of heavy loads will be done gradually (between one week and three months).

Finally, sun exposure is strongly discouraged while the scars are still pink.

Why do a mastopexy?

Mastopexy removes excess skin from the chest. Often times, breast stretching is linked to pregnancy, aging, or significant weight loss.

Patients with complexes about their breasts or those who simply wish to raise their breasts are affected by mastopexy.

The mastopexie permet of:

  • lift and lift the breast
  • give shape and a rounded shape to the breast
  • symmetrizing the breasts 

The expected results

Results vary from woman to woman. 

After the operation, the breasts should be lifted and curved. The alveolus may be narrowed. The scars from the operation disappear almost completely after a year.

It can happen that the breasts sag again, especially under the influence of aging, pregnancy or significant weight loss.

Risk of complications

Like any surgical act, mastopexy carries the risk of complications: 

  • poor healing 
  • skin necrosis
  • nipple asymmetries
  • loss of breast / nipple tenderness

In order to limit these risks, it is advisable to follow all the instructions related to good healing and to make an appointment with the doctor in case of doubt.

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