Mastic: decorate the cake. Video
You can decorate pastries not only with cream, but also with delicious “plasticine” called “mastic”. This sweet product can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself. Such sugar dough can be stored for up to 6 months in the freezer without losing its taste and elasticity.
This mastic is also called marshmallow. The main ingredient here is marshmallows. For cooking you will need:
– 200 g of marshmallows; – 20 ml of water; – dyes; – 500 g of finely ground powdered sugar; – 15 g butter.
Pour the candies into a saucepan or small saucepan, add water and oil, and put on low heat. Stir continuously to prevent the mass from sticking to the bottom when cooking. Once the mixture is uniform, remove from heat and let cool slightly. Then add 100 g of icing sugar and mix the contents thoroughly.
Small figures and lightly coated items are best prepared in advance as they take time to dry.
Pour some powder on the table, put the contents from the saucepan, add the remaining sugar and start kneading the dough. Ideally, you should get a mastic that does not stick to your hands and keeps its shape well. You can freeze such a blank for up to 6 months or use it right away. You can cover whole cakes with such plasticine, as well as make figures or lace from it.
Milk Powder Chocolate Mastic
Such mastic can be used to cover products, but it is best to use it for sculpting jewelry. Take:
– 200 g of condensed milk; – 200 g of powdered milk; – 400 g of icing sugar; – 50 g of hard chocolate.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath, you will need it to add to the mastic. Mix the resulting mass with condensed milk in a separate bowl, add the rest of the ingredients. Knead the mastic. You should have an evenly colored product. In order not to get your hands dirty in the process, put on gloves.
Form a small ball, roll it into a thin layer and sculpt the figures. To cover the pastry, prepare a mastic from candies, it is more stretchable and does not dry so quickly.
It is easiest to prepare gelatinous mastic, or pastilage. Strong figures are obtained from it, which hold their shape well and quickly harden in the air. For work you will need:
– 400 g of icing sugar; – 20 ml lemon juice; – 10 g of gelatin; – 50 ml of water.
Soak gelatin in water. Put in a water bath, dissolve over low heat, but do not bring to a boil. Sift the icing sugar, add it to the liquid mass and mix thoroughly. You should have a uniform white mass. If the mastic is crumbling, add a little lemon juice and knead it again for 10-15 minutes. But it happens when the plastic sticks to your hands, then an additional amount of powder will help you.
Culinary experts divide any mastic products into two groups:
– raw; – dry.
With the help of raw plastic mass, you can easily make a coating for cake or pastries, coattails, ruffles. To make jewelry, figurines, voluminous bows, use any kind of mastic, and then dry for at least 12 hours in the open air. After that, attach with water to the finished product. Pack the rest of the product in cellophane and hide in the refrigerator.