The English artist Barrington Barber taught drawing at school for many years and wrote more than 20 manuals teaching this fine art. He is convinced that everyone can draw, the main thing is practice. Of course, it is good when the result of hard work appears before the captious gaze of the teacher, who will both criticize and praise. But still, the main thing is good advice, and there are a lot of those in Barber’s manuals.
The English artist Barrington Barber taught drawing at school for many years and wrote more than 20 manuals teaching this fine art. He is convinced that everyone can draw, the main thing is practice. Of course, it is good when the result of hard work appears before the captious gaze of the teacher, who will both criticize and praise. But still, the main thing is good advice, and there are a lot of those in Barber’s manuals. How to move from simple lines to still life and interiors, hone the shading technique, learn the perspective system, what are the proportions of the human body and how best to build a composition — page by page, you can slowly master the craft, so that in the end, honing your skills on objects and surroundings ( as well as relatives and friends), proceed to the final task — a self-portrait! And for those who still need a visual demonstration, a DVD is attached to the book, where the process is captured in all details. Now there are no barriers for selfless creativity!
EKSMO, 256 p.