We learned how to diversify the child’s leisure time and where to find original and unusual destinations in Samara.
6 September 2016
At first glance, it may seem that this type of activity is suitable only for boys. This is not so: practice shows that girls are also interested in assembling and disassembling both simple constructors and complex mechanisms. In robotics clubs, children learn to design and program robots, study the disciplines necessary for understanding this area: biology, mechanics, physics, chemistry, the world around them.
Children from 4 to 990 years old are invited to the children’s center of robotics “Robomaster.rf” (TC “Gold”, 90th floor. Tel. 28-6-8). The cost of the lesson will be 1500–2500 rubles / month. Parents can also participate in the learning process with their child.
The R2D2 Robotics School (29 Karl Marx Ave., 15 Vrubel St., 5th Proseka, 95n. Tel. 277-07-92) offers annual training and is waiting for children aged 3 to 17 years. The cost of training will be 3910–4600 rubles / month.
The art of folding paper figures from this autumn will be taught to children in the recreation center “Zarya” (Prospect 9 May, 16). Groups for teaching this type of creativity are formed closer to autumn, details about the schedule and prices can be found in early September by calling 269-35-76.
You can find out what types of beads, stones, methods of connections and fasteners, types of fasteners, accessories and tools are at the jewelry making lesson. Having attended a course of practical classes, your child will be able to create masterpieces on his own. Center for professional training “Perspective” (st. Eroshevskogo, 3. Tel. 972-17-80) invites children from 14 years old to a course on making jewelry and from 8 years old to a course on beading, the cost is 5500 rubles / 10 lessons, and then and another direction. Also in this center there is a recruitment to the group for the artistic painting of clothes, ceramic dishes, leather goods, glass. Cost: 7000 rubles / 10 lessons. In the Workshop of Tatiana Labutina (tel. 8-903-3324884) classes are held on Sundays 2 times a month and last 5 hours. In connection with such a long duration of the lesson, students from 14 years old are invited to classes.
Once you’ve learned how to make a scented soap or nourishing hand cream, your child is likely to provide your family with these supplies for years to come. They will be able to teach these interesting directions in the creative workshop “Cat da Vinci” (6th glade, 129. Tel .: 375-04-02, 8-927-651-21-95). It is noteworthy that all classes here are held with the active participation of furry pets. In most crafts, cats and cats become the main images: in the workshop you can not only make soap with pet figures, but also make jewelry, sew covers, housekeepers, and purses with images of cats. Children from 10–12 years old are invited to soap making and creaming; jewelry can be made from 7–8 years old. 1 lesson will cost from 350 rubles.
Today, there are many areas of needlework that do not differentiate students by gender. Often you can see a boy in a knitting and embroidery lesson, and a girl in a robot programming lesson. Creative studio “Istochnik” (Revolutsionnaya st., 119, office 303. Tel. 989-29-86) actively conducts individual training in pottery and group training in woodcarving (the first lesson is free, then – 250 rubles / 1,5 hours ). Also in the “Source”, as the group recruits, classes are held on modeling from polymer clay, felting, sand painting, stained glass work, embroidery, weaving. Creative workshop “Miracles in the palms” (6th glade, 153. Tel. 8-916-514-92-56) conducts classes for age groups: from 2,5 to 5 years old children work with colored salt dough, create paintings with prints color spots, learn to draw with markers, brush, sponge, fingers, feather, watercolor on wet paper. Children from 5 to 9 years old are engaged in decorating, designing, soap making, from 9 to 15 years old – batik, felting, decorating, designing, candle making, and over 15 years old master working with jewelry, bouquets of candies, stained glass window, mosaics, cosmetics, cost lessons – from 250 rubles per hour.
It will help to develop observation, imagination, fantasy, hand-eye coordination, in addition, to acquire a special vision of the world and sophistication of perception. Club-studio “Art-Idea” (Galaktionovskaya st., 106a. Tel. 8-960-812-89-98) accepts children from 12 years old for the course “Painting, drawing”, children from 7 to 12 years old for the program “Iso-studio” (provides for the basics of compositional construction of the picture, the study of technical aspects in painting). For children from 4 to 7 years old, classes are held in two stages with a break. The cost of drawing lessons in the ART-Idea club studio: from 450 rubles / 2,5 hours. Children’s art school № 17 (tel. 334-17-25) provides training in drawing for children from 4 to 6 years old at the course “Magic Brush”. The course lasts 9 months, the cost is 1500 rubles / month.
Polymer clay modeling is suitable for both kids and adults. It helps to develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination and perseverance. Creative studio “Istochnik” (Revolutsionnaya st., 119, office 303. Tel. 989-29-86) starts learning clay modeling as the groups are formed, and the Andersen family club (Br. Korostelev st., 268, office 7. Tel. 990-25-13) conducts classes for children 4-6 years old 2 times a week for 40 minutes, 500 rubles / 1 lesson, for children 7-11 years old, 2 times a week for 50 minutes, 600 rub / lesson.