Master class: wear orange lipstick like Alsou

The singer naturally has a luxurious bronze skin color, so the girl does not have to put a lot of effort for a fresh complexion. A light BB cream and a peach blush accent on the cheekbones create the perfect complexion.

In the makeup, the girl made 2 accents: both on the lips and on the eyes, but the shades were chosen so competently that the whole image looks harmonious.

The eyebrows are neatly highlighted with a brown pencil, and in front of the singer’s eyes there are deep smokyeyes in brown, matte shades. In general, Alsou’s makeup is made in matte colors, without pearlescent sheen. The girl’s eyelashes are naturally thick, so a few strokes of the mascara brush – and the look is complete and expressive.

The final touch of the look is lip makeup. Orange lipstick has become a trend for the spring / summer 2014 season, and Alsou clearly knows about it. Any shade of orange is suitable for the color type of the singer’s skin, so the girl has a wide choice with a palette.

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