It remains to wait a little longer, and it will become quite warm outside. This means that home fitness classes can be transferred to fresh air. This will charge the body with an additional portion of oxygen, increase the effectiveness of training and lift the mood. The main thing is to choose comfortable “breathable” sports clothes and shoes and choose the right set of exercises.
1. Starting position: hanging on straight arms, socks barely touch the ground. Use a horizontal bar or a strong tree branch for this purpose.
2. Bend your knees and pull them up to your chest as much as possible. Hold in this position for 1-2 seconds.
3. Slowly return to the starting position.
4. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 times.
5. To increase the load, lift your straight legs to a position parallel to the ground.
This exercise involves the muscles of the upper and lower abs, as well as the muscles of the arms, back and legs.
Reverse push-ups from the bench
1. Starting position: back to the bench, emphasis on the hands from behind, legs slightly bent at the knees, emphasis on the heels. The elbows are pushed as close to the body as possible.
2. Slowly bend your elbows and lower the body to the lowest possible point. Hold in this position for 1-2 seconds.
3. Smoothly return to the starting position. Do not straighten your elbows completely.
4. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 times.
This exercise effectively uses the triceps (that is, the most problematic, the back surface of the shoulder) and helps to create a beautiful relief of the hands.
Climbing to the bench
1. Starting position: the right leg is bent at the knee, the foot is completely on the bench, the left leg is on the ground.
2. Push off with your left foot and rise up, completely straightening your right leg, which is on the bench. At the same time, the straight left leg remains on the weight, the sock stretches down.
3. Smoothly return to the starting position.
4. Do 8-10 repetitions on the right leg.
5. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times for the left leg.
6. Perform 2 more sets for each leg.
This exercise helps to work deeply on the back surface of the thigh and the muscles of the buttocks.
Lunge with support from behind
1. Starting position: back to the bench. The right leg is bent at the knee, the foot is thrown on the bench. With your left foot, make a lunge. Hands along the trunk.
2. Do a squat on your left leg so that the hip is parallel to the floor. Hold in this position for 1-2 seconds. Keep your back straight.
3. Return to the starting position.
4. Do 8-10 repetitions for the left supporting leg.
5. Perform exercises for the right supporting leg 8-10 times.
6. Do 2 more sets for each leg.
This exercise involves the back and inner surfaces of the thighs, as well as the buttocks.

1. Starting position: standing in front of the curb, legs shoulder-width apart, arms along the trunk.
2. Do a full squat, rest your palms on the curb and lift up a little on your toes.
3. Jump to take the emphasis lying down, bend in the back.
4. Jump back to the squat position, hands in front of you.
5. Make a push and jump up, raising straight arms above your head.
6. Return to the starting position.
7. Perform 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
This exercise involves the muscles of the arms, cortex, thighs and buttocks. Performing it at an easy pace and without pauses, you additionally get a cardio load.
The optimal time for fitness classes on the street is before 8 o’clock in the morning and after 19 o’clock in the evening. In cool weather, wear a windbreaker or a sports jacket. Do not forget to take a bottle of water with you and, as necessary, take one or two sips in between exercises. Remember, before training, you should definitely do a complex warm — up, and at the end-stretching exercises.