Eight guys apply to take part in the filming of the popular culinary show on the STS channel! Who, in your opinion, deserves the title of the best young cook in Samara? Vote!
All dishes of young chefs passed the jury tasting
So, we are summing up the results of our competition!
Andrey Usoltsev became the most creative young chef in Samara according to Woman’s Day! He receives a diploma, a certificate for attending 10 sessions of the SOLOVED salt cave and cinema tickets. By the owner second place went to Alisa Samoilovafor a diploma and cinema tickets. BUT third prize-winner Sergei Barkov also receives cinema tickets and a diploma as a gift!
We are waiting for you for prizes after 12 August on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00 at the editorial office: st. Sadovaya, 280, 3rd entrance, 3rd floor, inquiries by phone 270-66-64!
Last weekend, the STS channel arranged a real selection of participants for the famous show. Eight children: boys and girls presented their best dishes to the jury.
Unusual desserts, lush pastries, gourmet meat dishes, delicious Italian cuisine – I just couldn’t believe that it was all done by the hands of children!
For example, a 13 year old Nikolay Shcheglov made an amazing lasagna, novice cook Irina Gammershmidt also made a choice in favor of Italian cuisine and treated everyone to pasta with creamy sauce and tiger prawns, 11-year-old Alisa Samoilova surprised with original chicken rolls with parmesan and grilled vegetables.
By the way, all the guys used their vegetables and fruits in cooking, so to speak – that is, directly from their own gardens and summer cottages! Seryozha Barkov I added fresh country currants and mint to the apple pancakes.
Some of the guys surprised me with their original approach and ability to cook complex dishes. For example, a 10 year old Andrey Usoltsev and his wonderful dessert – English cranberry crumble, as well as chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce from Egor Khramova.
Misha Vasiliev cooked pies with three different fillings: potatoes, currants and cherries. Moreover, he prepared the dough himself – under the strict guidance of his mother. By the way, Misha’s older sister also took part in the casting – Liza Vasilieva, who said that all her family members just love to cook. And her unusual vegetarian zucchini pizza (according to the recipe that Lisa invented herself!) Did not leave the jury indifferent.
Of course, the guys were worried. After all, the project “Masterchef. Children ”became very popular, and its first season was a success. And the winner of the show and the owner of the main prize – a two-week training in a culinary studio in Singapore – was 13-year-old Lesha Starostin from Balashikha.
Let’s hope that our young fellow countrymen will represent Samara in the new second season.
Woman’s Day Announces Audience Choice Award! Which of the casting participants, in your opinion, can be called the youngest creative culinary specialist in Samara?
Voting will continue until 15:00 on August 8, and the results will be summed up the next day!
Winner will receive a diploma and title “The most creative young chef in Samara according to Woman’s Day”, a certificate for visiting 10 sessions of the “SOLED” salt cave and cinema tickets.
And the owners second and third places will also receive diplomas and cinema tickets!
Voting on the next page!
If you vote from a computer, then you just need to click on the photo you like; if you vote from mobile devices, do not rush to click on the first photo: using the arrows, you can select the desired photo and click on the “Select” button.
“The most creative young chef in Samara according to Woman’s Day”
Alisa Samoilova, 11,5 years old
Andrey Usoltsev, 10 years old
Irina Gammershmidt, 12 years old
Elizaveta Vasilieva, 12 years old
Mikhail Vasiliev, 9 years old
Nikolay Scheglov, 13 years old
Sergey Barkov, 10 years old
Egor Khramov