To alleviate digestive disorders
Certain massages have a beneficial effect on colic, bloating and constipation of the infant by helping it to evacuate the gas and the stools which clutter it. They can be performed through thin clothing, outside of acute phases of crisis, and at least 30 minutes after a feed.
First, you have to find the position that best calms your child. This can be face down on your forearm, with your head propped up in the crook of your elbow. You can also sit down and place it across your thighs. The last solution is to carry him very high, his stomach against your shoulder. Start by massaging her lower back with the palm of her hand. You can also exert a light pressure, with each exhalation, by placing two fingers on each side of his spine, at the level of the lumbar region.
The calming virtues of heat
The heat has calming virtues. To reassure your baby, put him on his back, rub your hands together and place one on his head, the other on his stomach to circulate the heat. Then massage her stomach in circular movements, clockwise, 6 or 7 times, exerting firm and gentle pressure with the palm of your hand. Next, put your hand flat, across, under his ribs, and work your way down to his thighs. Chain the movement from one hand to the other, 6 or 7 times. Finally, bend her legs on her stomach, hold this position for a few seconds, before relaxing them by rocking them slightly. Repeat this sequence three times in a row.
Massage to clear the nose
Whenever you massage your baby’s face, it is necessary to have short fingernails and clean hands to limit the spread of germs. When it is Sniffles, to complete the nose wash with physiological serum and clear it well, you can put your thumbs between his eyebrows and sliding them towards his temples, several times. Then, starting on either side of the nostrils, slide them by pressing lightly towards the corner of the eyes, return to the starting point and go to the middle of the cheekbones. Repeat this movement several times gently. Do not hesitate to try this gesture on yourself when you have a cold to see how effective it is.
Massage to calm teething
Does your baby have red cheeks, is grumpy and wants to chew on anything that passes? It is undoubtedly a tooth that seeks to pierce and causes inflammation of the gum. You can directly massage his gum tissue with your clean finger or, for the upper jaw, place your index fingers under his nose, above the upper lip and slide them towards the middle of the cheeks with gentle pressure. Then make small circles with the tips of the thumbs in front of his jaw joint. For the lower teeth, put your index fingers under your baby’s lower lip and repeat the same movement as before, stretching them gently towards the middle of the cheeks.
Massage to ease tension
Babies cry a lot during the first few months, especially at the end of the day, and their parents often feel helpless in the face of these attacks. Yet these tears are their only means of evacuating an overflow of emotions and tensions, linked to the many information that they must integrate during the day. When these seizures occur, stay calm, this will help your baby to calm down, such as placing him in a huddled position, the same way as in the uterine shell.
Hold his head with one hand, flexing slightly forward. With the other hand, bring his legs together by crossing them on his stomach, then rock him with light movements to the right and left. You can also carry it in your arms, turned towards you, one hand under its buttocks and the other at the level of its neck. Gently squeeze it against you, then slowly release this pressure and repeat several times, adapting this movement to your breathing.
Massage to treat dry skin
If your baby hascradle cap on the skull, but no skin lesions, just massage your scalp gently with a virgin and organic vegetable oil (no pesticide residues), such as olive oil, very nourishing, or l ‘borage oil, with soothing and regenerating virtues. Dry skin will come off on its own.
Do a test beforehand on a small part of your baby’s skin, such as the top of the foot, to prevent any risk of allergy. Also make sure that the chosen oil is edible, because he will bring his hands to his mouth, suck his foot… and of course avoid essential oils or massage oils which are not specifically suitable for babies.