Is it not easy on the heart, the head is spinning, are you knocked down from business and troubles? There is a special massage for you to regain lightness and energy.
Everything that we do with our body directly or indirectly affects the state of our soul. Yoga, breathing exercises, massage and body-oriented psychotherapy are the most striking examples of this. We do not think about the symbolism of our body, meanwhile, it is firmly imprinted in the language. When we “fall down” from fatigue, “the head swells” from endless deeds, and because of the work “there is no time to breathe”, we simply describe the bodily symptoms of mental stress. It is worth paying attention to how we express our state in words: in stable expressions and turns of language, we can find the key to which part of our body right now needs the most attention.
“Head is spinning”
We often say that some business “doesn’t get out of our heads”. The feeling that the “head is full” with thoughts about something is expressed at the level of the body by tension in the neck and mimic muscles of the face, as if “heavy thoughts” literally have weight. And vice versa, we say “bright head” about someone who constantly generates ideas and easily finds a way out of any situation.
Soft, relaxing touches can relieve vasospasm and improve blood circulation to the brain, instantly creating a feeling of a “light head”. Neck massage enhances this effect. Head massage has two additional bonuses: it is good for the hair (as it improves the nutrition of the roots) and at the same time gives a rested look to the face (as it relieves tension from the facial muscles).
In the cabin
The main principle that Dessange specialists use is to massage with an open palm, not with your fingertips: this creates a feeling of security and promotes deeper relaxation.
- Beauty salon Dessange, Moscow, Leninsky prospekt, 43; tel.: (495) 135-8190.
Massage “KenzoKi – White Lotus” starts from the shoulders, then goes to the neck and head. The regenerating effect of care is enhanced by the aroma of white lotus.
- Cabin KenzoKi, Moscow, Petrovsky passage, st. Petrovka, 10; tel.: (495) 101-1511.
“I can’t digest it”
According to Chinese medicine, the liver and gallbladder are associated with emotions such as irritation, anger, and rage. The imprint of this idea is also in our language: we also call irritable, angry people “bilious”. Unwillingness to accept what is happening, long-suppressed irritation causes tension and narrowing of the bile ducts, leads to stagnation of bile, which is necessary for the human body to more fully break down and assimilate food. Therefore, in a situation that causes rejection, some people literally “do not digest” what is happening.
The belly – the center of life – is considered in the East to be too intimate, a sacred place, the touch of other people to which is undesirable. We offer to master self-massage of the abdomen. Its main purpose is to relax the stress-blocked abdomen. “Performed daily, this massage normalizes the blood supply to the organs and the circulation of energy. After a couple of months, there are improvements not only in the digestive system, but also with painful menstruation, back pain and insomnia, ”says Pierre Pallardy, a French osteopath, the author of this technique.
Self massage
It is done sitting or lying down with bent legs, not earlier than two hours after eating.
Read more:
- 10 mandalas to bring back the brightness of life
“Hands down”
Hands are a tool for interacting with the world. Symbolically, we create with them – the origins of this perception lie in the past, when everything necessary for life was produced by hand and all works of art were created by hands. And now, even “working with our heads”, we say that we “give up” if we feel a lack of creative energy, fresh ideas or strength to implement them.
The simplest self-massage of the hands, according to the ideas of Tibetan medicine, improves the circulation of energy throughout the body. A warming bath for hands produces almost the same effect: a feeling of warmth and relaxation comes to the whole body. Therefore, in nail salons, more and more attention is paid to the elements of SPA, aromatherapy and acupressure.
In the cabin
The SpaRitual Path of Balance treatment, using mineral salts and essential oils, promises a boost of energy thanks to aromatherapy ingredients. The techniques of color therapy that are used here are designed to turn the power of color to our advantage.
- Else Club, Moscow, Ivankovskoe sh., 5; tel.: (495) 234-4444.
“I’m falling off my feet”
The ability to move forward, to move forward is symbolically imprinted in the legs: we are all familiar with the expressions “to stand firmly on our feet” or “to walk confidently through life”. The legs literally serve as a support for us, and the feeling of instability, fear of the future, or simply a situation where a person does not know what to do leaves an imprint on the condition of the feet.
The trace of a bare human foot resembles the silhouette of a fetus: it is a kind of map of our body, reflecting the full potential of the body. Foot massage through the nerve and energy channels acts on all organ systems, eliminating blocks and restoring energy circulation.
In the cabin
Foot massage based on shiatsu not only relieves stress, but also activates metabolism, improves the ability to concentrate, and improves the tone of the whole body.
- Spa Palestra, Moscow, st. 10th Anniversary of October, 11; tel.: (495) 245-6113.
Foot-Stone massage using hot and cold stones is done along the entire length of the legs including the thighs and promises a draining and toning effect.
- Sanatorium “Revital Park”, Moscow Region, Northern Kuchino, Leonovskoe sh., 2; tel.: (495) 411-6000.
“Without bending your back”
This is a metaphor for the burden of worries on our shoulders: the back and especially the spine in this case are in excessive tension. Back strain can be due to the fact that we attach too much importance to some aspects of life (in other words, “a lot of weight”), or because we do not know how to share this burden of trouble with others. “Unload the back” in this case means “let go of the situation”.
Kneading and stretching of muscles, point pressure on certain areas along the spine, light sliding movements through aromatic oil can relieve tension from the back. It is especially important to work out the area of the sacrum well – this is a zone of blocked energy in people who spend most of their time sitting at a computer, TV, or driving.
In the cabin
The British brand Elemis has absorbed the most effective colonial massage techniques. The “Chakra Balancing Exclusive Massage” is done on the back of the forearm to target deep-lying tissues and achieve complete relaxation.
- SPA-club “Vostochny Express”, Moscow, Bolshoi Kislovsky per., 9; tel.: (495) 933-7101.
The Symphony anti-stress procedure is a synergy of many elements: peony and koishimaru silk extracts, special massage techniques that relax the body, and healing music that restores peace of mind, aromatic compositions and a special tea recipe for complete relaxation.
- Beauty Studio Kanebo, Moscow, st. Balchug, 1; tel.: (495) 518-9745.