Massage for those we love

A beach chair or sun-warmed sand, the relaxing atmosphere of a summer holiday – that’s probably all you need to try to master simple massage techniques. And give it to your loved ones.

Just like that, without any thought, for the sake of pure tactile pleasure, touching sea pebbles or raking, and then smoothing the sand flowing under your fingers … On vacation, time seems to slow down, giving us the opportunity to live not by deeds, but by pleasant, slightly forgotten sensations from the last vacation, disposing our bodies to pleasure. Which for ourselves will only increase if we manage to share it with those we care about. “Massage is a great way to switch your body to relaxation mode, as well as help our loved ones with this,” says massage therapist Vladimir Pozdnyakov, author of the integral body therapy method. – And do not assume that only those who are trained in professional techniques are capable of doing it. In this sense, it is not technical knowledge that is more valuable to us, but our feelings – love, sympathy, our desire to please a loved one. After all, a good massage assumes that we are aware of our own feelings and are ready to listen to what our partner feels.” In the morning, before going for a walk, or stretched out on a beach towel, expose your body to the hot rays, apply sunscreen … and take this opportunity to join the art of massage. It is better to choose a remedy that will evoke associations with distant countries, exotic travels and impressions. Let it give you delicious, sunny smells – coconut, vanilla, Tahitian gardenia … These protective oils nourish and moisturize the skin, and their aromas invisibly transport us to flowering islands. You should not do massage in the afternoon, when the heat reaches its peak, and the body is busy digesting food. And do not use products with the inclusion of essential oils: they increase sensitivity to the sun and can leave age spots. They are best used after an evening shower or before dressing for dinner.

Massage for a child

It’s a way of expressing an otherwise simple feeling: “I love you.” By touching our child, we let him feel that we care about him, appreciate him, that he is safe. Such tactile contact helps him feel more confident in his body, develops his ability to focus and listen to his feelings.

How to perform: with the help of gentle, but quite tangible pressures so that the massage does not turn into an ordinary caress. There should be no sensuality in movements – the child should discover it for himself in his own time, and not with you! Focus on the legs and feet that have worked and run a lot during the day, as well as on the back, shoulders and back of the neck that may have been tired, for example, after a backpacking trip. To determine the optimal duration of the massage, you do not need to focus on age: each child grows at his own pace, and besides, he is able to let you know whether he wants or not to continue to receive massage. You can add elements of an exciting game. “Name the movements that you make, explain them, make a fairy tale out of them,” advises Vladimir Pozdnyakov. “Massage is especially good for hyperactive children.” Invite your child to try to repeat the massage on a teddy bear. The session can take two or fifteen minutes: the child, when he gets tired, will tell you about it – or just get up and go to play!

An exercise: upper back and scalp massage to relieve fatigue. With your right hand, circle four large circles, first around the child’s right shoulder blade, then around the left. Next, place one palm to rest under the child’s upper chest, and with the edge of the other, with short zigzag movements, vigorously rub his upper back, shoulders and upper arms – to the place where the short sleeve usually ends. Slap his arms along the entire length with your open palms, going several times from shoulders to fingers and back. To finish, gently massage your scalp with movements from the neck and forehead to the crown. Finally, lightly and gently pat your fingertips all over your head, shoulders, and neck.

Massage for a loved one or friend

It is also the ability to communicate without words, without the help of a computer keyboard or mobile phone. Such non-verbal communication brings an additional sensory dimension to the relationship of the couple, enriching them. And by practicing the art of massage with one of our friends or relatives, we establish and strengthen a trusting relationship with them. A close person, allowing you to touch him, as if sending us a message: “I trust you. You can understand me.”

How to perform: for a soothing and relaxing massage, the movements should be slow and wide, for a tonic – energetic and clear. It is better to avoid light strokes that cause too obvious erotic associations, and, of course, erogenous zones (such as, for example, the chest or abdomen). It does not matter how long the massage will last, the main thing is that the partner does not have the feeling that you are interfering in his personal space. To begin with, it is worth hearing the answer “yes” to the proposal to have a massage (even if it is about the closest person) – and then maintain “feedback”, being interested in how the chosen style, strength and rhythm of movements are perceived. During the massage, it is better not to have extraneous conversations so as not to be distracted from the sensations and completely immerse yourself in the process. At the end, ask only one question: “Did you like it?” And do not insist on details, even if the answer is concise.

An exercise: rubbing the back to restore energy balance. Apply a generous amount of oil to your palms and place them gently on your partner’s shoulder blades. Slowly but surely run both hands along the back, simultaneously or alternately, drawing waves, circles, fluid curves. Move from the lower back to the shoulders, increasing pressure on tense areas. Then, in a wave-like motion, run your thumbs around each vertebrae, moving from the lower back to the neck. Repeat twice, clearly pressing on the skin, first near the vertebrae, then a few centimeters to the right and left of the spine. Having crossed the left and right hands, with the bases of the open palms from the bottom up, run along the back, first starting from the lower back, the second time – from its middle. To finish, place one hand on the lower back, the other on the back of the neck. And do some slow rocking.

Massage for yourself


Like an inquisitive traveler, exploring our body, we discover its “geography”: the relief of forms, neglected corners, warmer or colder zones, as well as tense muscles and painful areas. Self-massage allows us to take care of ourselves … and just feel that we are alive – such a privilege is given to our sense of touch.

How to perform: try self-massage of the feet and energy points on the hands – these techniques are delicate and will not attract too much attention to you even on a busy beach. It is also good to precede facial treatments with massage movements, in order to then make the effect of the chosen product more effective.

An exercise: regenerating facial massage with anti-aging effect. “Before applying the cream, massage the front of the neck with very gentle twisting pinching movements,” recommends Thibaut Marlin, creator of the Lancome Beauty Institute’s signature massage techniques. – Start at the very base of the neck and gradually move towards the chin. Repeat three times and move on to the face: go from bottom to top along its oval, along the chin and cheeks. With your fingertips, smooth your forehead with vertical movements, from the eyebrows to the hairline and back; then 2-3 times – from the center to the temples, slowly and with pressure. With progressive gripping movements of the fingers 4-5 times, walk along the line of the eyebrows – from the bridge of the nose to the temples. With gentle pressure, massage the temples and massage the ears well – in this zone there are many points associated with various organs of our body. Then apply your chosen product in wide, gliding strokes from the center of the face to the periphery, and finish with smoothing strokes from the center along the T-zone, lips, under the chin and along the neck. At the end, press your palms to your face along the line of your chin and swipe towards your ears.

About it

“New Body Therapy for Children and Parents” Vladimir Pozdnyakov Massage as a way to improve not only your physical well-being, but also your relationship with children or a loved one … The book describes in detail various massage techniques and exercises, as well as recommendations for their practical application ( Polygraphic resources, 1998).

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