Massage for scoliosis of the spine for adults
Massage for scoliosis of the spine in adults can help relieve stiffness and back pain. It can be done at home, but what is its benefit and harm to the human body, what problems can it solve in patients?

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine from the longitudinal axis to the side. One of the most common types is juvenile idiopathic scoliosis, which affects children and adolescents 10 years of age and older. Scoliosis can also occur in infants (congenital) and the elderly (degenerative).

Treatment options for adult idiopathic scoliosis include monitoring for less severe curves, and bracing or surgery for larger curves. Physical therapy can also be used for small to moderate curves, including techniques such as the Schroth method.

Massage and other manual therapies are less common treatments for adult idiopathic scoliosis. However, massage offers several benefits for people with scoliosis, such as relaxing muscles, increasing joint mobility, and reducing pain. Massage for scoliosis works best in conjunction with other treatments, such as physical therapy, home exercises, or bracing.

The benefits of massage for scoliosis of the spine in adults

In general, massage provides several benefits, such as:

  • increases blood flow to muscles and tissues;
  • stretches altered, narrowed areas of the body;
  • relieves pain;
  • increases mobility;
  • promotes better sleep.

Massage for scoliosis is done in the following cases:

Pain and tightness in the neck. Neck pain is common due to changes in range of motion in the lower body as well as the curvature of the spine itself. Some of the muscles in the upper back attach to the neck, meaning that the curvature of the thoracic spine can affect the neck. The distribution of stress on the neck and upper back can change due to scoliosis, which can lead to joint degeneration, disc and nerve problems. That’s why it’s important to keep track of symptoms and have a treatment plan.

If you’ve had spinal surgery to correct scoliosis, large areas of your body no longer move, which means that the areas that do wear out faster. That’s why it’s so important to have a scoliosis treatment plan, especially if you’ve had corrective surgery.

With these problems, massage can be used as an additional therapy.

One shoulder is higher than the other. One shoulder with scoliosis usually rises and stretches forward. Masseurs work on lengthening the pectoral muscles and trapezium so that the shoulders take a more or less even position.

Lower back pain. Lower back problems are common in scoliosis due to a change in the distribution of load along the spine. In the lumbar region (sciatica), degenerative disc disease, joint degeneration, and nerve irritation are common. This happens before you have a significant change in the shape of the spine associated with scoliosis.

Massaging this area can help relax tense muscles that are causing pain.

Harm of massage for scoliosis of the spine for adults

Only a small number of clinical studies have focused on the benefits and harms of massage for idiopathic scoliosis. Most of them concerned one or more cases, so the results should be treated with caution. Several different types of massage have been used in these studies, including soft tissue massage, myofascial release (simultaneous action on muscles and connective tissue), and deep tissue massage for scoliosis. Some have also used chiropractic or spinal manipulation, spinal traction, electrical muscle stimulation, or exercises at home.

All of these studies have examined the benefits of massage and other manual therapy for idiopathic scoliosis. Massage may not be suitable for other types of scoliosis or for people with conditions such as a herniated disc, nerve damage, osteoporosis, or heart disease.

Massage contraindications for scoliosis of the spine for adults

During massage, blood circulation and lymph outflow, metabolic processes increase, which can negatively affect the course of a number of processes in which a ban on manipulations with the back can be imposed. These include:

  • inflammatory processes in any part of the body, acute infections;
  • pathology of the liver or kidneys;
  • oncological diseases;
  • respiratory tract lesions;
  • development of neuralgia;
  • fever;
  • severe problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • skin lesions in the massage area;
  • high pressure.

It is worth postponing massage courses after surgery, after heart attacks or strokes, during pregnancy and after childbirth.

How to massage with scoliosis of the spine for adults at home

Scoliosis therapy includes massage and physical manipulation techniques such as chiropractic and spinal traction. Sometimes massage therapists use several techniques in the treatment of scoliosis. They may also suggest exercises for people to do at home.

There are several types of massage techniques for scoliosis, including:

  • swedish massage – one of the most common types of massage, including kneading, tapping, long strokes and shaking movements;
  • deep tissue massage – stretching, deep tissue work and neuromuscular therapy to increase blood flow to muscles and tissues and lengthen tight areas;
  • myofascial release – focuses on opening up sections of rigid membranes that surround and support muscles;
  • craniosacral therapy – helps to balance the spine and improve the general condition of a person by mobilizing limited tissues in and around the spine;
  • thai yoga massage, also known as Thai massage for scoliosis, is a dynamic body therapy based on yoga and Ayurveda, performed entirely in clothes.

Expert Commentary

Massage for scoliosis of the spine is practiced quite often. However, doctors remind – it does not give a therapeutic effect. Here’s what he says about this massage doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine, traumatologist-orthopedist, rehabilitation specialist Georgy Temichev:

– Massage for scoliosis for both children and adults is not at all effective. It does not affect the angle in any way, does not affect the degree of scoliosis in any way. Moreover, if instead of a full-fledged rehabilitation, only massage is performed, then this can lead to the fact that the right time will be missed and scoliosis will eventually progress from this. Massage for scoliosis does not need to be done as a means of rehabilitation, but it can certainly be done as a procedure to relax and relieve stress. This is a kind of spa treatment.

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