Massage for scoliosis in children at home: back, technique, how to do it
Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. Most often, it is acquired, since children sit incorrectly, stoop, do not play sports. Massage for scoliosis in children helps to effectively cope with the problem. With proper skill, it can be done at home.
Why do children need a back massage
Massage is not only a pleasant thing, but also useful. It helps healthy children to prevent scoliosis, and in sick children it helps to treat it.
Massage for scoliosis in children should be performed on a hard surface
Here’s why massage is useful:
- prevents and corrects spinal problems;
- calms the nerves, reduces excessive excitability;
- makes joints and ligaments more elastic;
- improves metabolic processes in the body;
- improves blood flow and movement of lymph throughout the body;
- good for the condition of the skin.
Of course, all these advantages can be noticed only if the massage is done correctly.
To cure the disease, massage should be performed in courses. The first course should be done immediately after you have learned about the diagnosis, the second – after 2-3 months, the third – after six months. The duration of one course is 15-20 procedures. The first procedure should last no more than 15 minutes. Then the duration must be gradually increased until it reaches an hour.
During the procedure, you need to unevenly affect the lower back. For this, it is important to take into account the shape and degree of curvature of the spine, as well as all the individual characteristics of the child.
During the procedure, the child should be comfortable.
Techniques that are used in massage against scoliosis: tapping, kneading, vibration, rubbing, stroking. It is important that the little patient lies on a hard surface during the procedure. It is better for a specialist to show you how to perform massage at least once. Then you can do it yourself at home.
How to massage a child under 14 years old
Features of massage depend on the degree of the disease. If it is at an early stage, then massage is easy. To do this, put the baby on his stomach, he must bend his arms. First you need to warm up your back well, and then start rubbing it with varying strengths. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the shoulder blades.
At home, you need to knead not only the back, but also the chest
It is already more difficult to perform massage for scoliosis of 2-3 degrees. In this case, a much higher pressure force should be used. The massage begins in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. After that, you need to work with the child’s hands, bring them together and spread them. During this massage, the child will have to change position. The masseur works with the baby on the side and chest. Rubbing, kneading, and stroking your chest can also help correct a back problem.
After you have relieved your child of spinal curvature with the help of massages, support the result with the following recommendations:
- Monitor your child’s posture at all times. Teach him that at school you also need to control your back.
- While he is doing his homework or just sitting at the computer, pick him up for small exercises. He should walk around the room, jump a little and stretch his muscles.
- Let the child sleep on a hard mattress.
- Take your toddler for a walk every day.
- Include protein and fiber in his menu. In general, make the menu complete and varied.
- Enroll your child in the sports section or go in for sports with him.
Follow these tips even if your child is not having a problem, just as a preventive measure.
The main rule of baby massage is not to harm. If you are not confident in your abilities, are afraid to do something wrong and aggravate the situation, contact a professional with a medical education.