Massage for dysplasia

We will introduce you to some of the rules of massage and therapeutic exercises for hip dysplasia. But remember: massage should be done only after prior consultation with an orthopedic doctor and with his permission.

To relax the muscles of the thighs, acupressure is done while moving the leg away. Press on the hip joint carefully, with the pads of the middle and index fingers. The bent leg is taken back, gently shaking. The child can also be placed on a support and the inner thighs can be massaged, gently rocking the child’s pelvis.

Warm water exercises have always been very effective. They are also used in the treatment of hip dysplasia. The child is supported under the chest, brought to the wall of the bath, trying to bend the legs. Reflex walking and dancing are also extremely effective in the water.

The gluteal muscles also need a firming massage. Act on them by pressing on the points that are located in the center of the infragluteal folds.

Massage for dysplasia for infants

Massage for dysplasia

Here is a set of massage actions suitable for infants. Each movement should be repeated 10-15 times.

To begin with, put the baby on his back and make general strokes of the legs, abdomen, hands. Then turn him over on his stomach and spread his legs. Stroke and rub the inner surface of the legs, alternately taking them to the sides.

Then move on to the lower back. Massage it, stroking and rubbing, go to the buttocks, pinch them and lightly tap them with your fingers.

After that, turn the child back on his back. It’s time to massage the front-outer surface of the legs. Stroke them, rub them, achieve relaxation of the thigh muscles. The child’s legs need to be bent and unbent at the knees and hip joints. But do it gently, plastically, within the acceptable range, which was indicated by the orthopedic doctor. In no case do not make sudden movements, because you can provoke pain caused by reflex contraction of the thigh muscles. In this case, the child will further react negatively to the procedure, complicating the treatment process.

The next step is to rotate the hip inward. With one hand, gently fix the hip joint, and with the other, lightly take the baby’s knee and, gently pressing on it, slowly rotate the thigh inward. Thus, the head of the femur will gently press on the articular (acetabular) cavity. After that, take a break: rub, stretch the muscles of the child.

The last step is to strengthen the child’s feet. This will help strengthen the supporting function of the foot. Lay the baby on his back and place a ball under his feet. After the procedure, it is necessary to massage the chest.

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