Massage cream: which one to choose? Video
The use of body creams helps to solve many problems associated with the skin: cellulite, stretch marks, and a decrease in its tone. In order for the result from the use of such a cream to be really noticeable, it is necessary to choose the right product, taking into account many factors.
How to choose a massage cream
The choice of massage cream depending on the type of skin
When choosing a product for the skin of the body, regardless of its main action, be sure to pay attention to what type of skin it is intended for. In the event that your skin is dry, use massage creams that contain nourishing and moisturizing ingredients. These include lanolin and beeswax, as well as essential oils, which are the basis of many massaging creams: peach, rosewood, vanilla. Thanks to these components, the cream has a thick, oily consistency, but at the same time it is well absorbed and glides under the fingers.
In the event that your skin is prone to irritation, is sensitive and bruises often form on it even from light pressure, you should purchase a cream that contains healing ingredients such as celandine extract, chamomile and tea tree oil, which also have a soothing effect. and anti-inflammatory action. For owners of normal and oily skin, creams with cedar, juniper and ginger oils are suitable.
Before buying a particular massage cream, carefully study its composition and make sure that the necessary active ingredients are present in it.
Since any massage has a beneficial effect on skin tone, almost all body creams contain vitamins A and E, which help to renew skin cells and stimulate the production of new ones. Extracts of celandine and chamomile are also added to the creams, which soften the skin, have an anti-inflammatory and firming effect. Since massage is a pleasure, the components of most creams are substances that, even with their scent, can make a person relax: oil of tea and rose tree, ginger, cedar, vanilla, ylang-ylang, anise, lemon, juniper.
Tactile sensations and massage techniques have different effects, including healing
Depending on this, massage and creams for it are divided into several types: anti-cellulite, anti-stretch marks, slimming, cosmetic, anti-inflammatory and erotic. Naturally, components are added to the creams that enhance the effect of a particular type of massage.
So, in the anti-cellulite cream you will probably find vitamin E, lactic acid, clove oil, menthol, stearin and hot pepper extract, stimulating blood circulation in local areas of the body surface, accelerating metabolic processes in them, softening fat granules that form the notorious “orange peel”, as well as increasing skin tone and elasticity. Such creams should contain herbal extracts of coffee and seaweed kelp, honey and sea salt – substances that enhance the drainage function to help prevent edema.
The effectiveness of using an anti-cellulite cream largely depends on how regularly you use it. Only under this condition will the result be guaranteed.
Those creams that you will use to relieve pain should contain mummy, snake or bee venom, marsh cinquefoil extract and other active substances that have an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect on joints and muscles. Poisons have a special structure that allows them to quickly and deeply penetrate the tissues, stimulating the process of early healing, so they are necessarily included in the components of such creams.
Massage cream composition
For a relaxing and erotic massage, you will need to buy a special cream that helps relieve tension and increase sensuality. Oil of aphrodisiac plants is added to such creams: papaya, geranium, myrtle, rosemary, bergamot, jasmine, sandalwood, orange. It is not in vain that these oils are components of many perfumery compositions that have a similar effect.
What to look for when choosing a massage cream
For best results, when shopping for a massage cream, you should take into account that some manufacturers offer creams that are formulated for the anatomical features of both women and men.
In the event that you have problems with blood vessels and you suffer from the fact that fluid is retained in the body, which results in edema, choose an anti-cellulite cream with a cooling effect, which contains menthol and peppermint oil.
Please note that there are massage creams on the market that are applied and used while you sleep at night. Their active action is based on a special clay that enhances the action of the rest of the cream, which contains the strongest lipolytics: plant stem cells, jojoba oils, which promote the removal of fluid from the body. Such creams promote weight loss, as well as eliminate stretch marks and improve skin tone. You can sleep soundly and be sure that in the morning you will become even more beautiful.
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