Masks: new schedule

They have ceased to be a means of episodic care. By releasing new versions and forms of these products, manufacturers insist that we use them daily. But is there a need for such frequent use of masks?

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Apply a mask once a week, or even a month? Know that you are hopelessly behind. Following the wishes of beauty brands, this must be done daily. Or even twice a day, and even three times … Manufacturers can be understood: the cosmetic range is becoming wider, competition is growing. We need to encourage consumption. Therefore, we are afraid of the deterioration of the ecological situation, premature aging, stress. And they convince that the composition of modern masks is developed specifically for frequent use. The question arises: are they less active? Why ten years ago it was suggested to apply a mask once a week, and now – whenever you want? “Earlier, masks were considered auxiliary means that give the skin additional nutrition, hydration, and cleansing. But now these products have come to the fore. Most are instantaneous and serve as a great daily “booster”, comparable in effect to a glass of smoothie or a handful of dietary supplements,” explains Loretta Miraglia, Senior Vice President, Development Research Laboratories Max Huber, La Mer. Modern masks either have a light, gel texture or are made from non-woven materials impregnated with an active compound. Both those and others have both pluses and minuses. Funds from tubes and jars are applied and washed off longer, but you can defile with them around the apartment without scaring away others. Non-woven masks require a horizontal position and privacy: men do not always respond adequately to them. Fortunately, the same La Mer, in addition to a fabric, by the way, very effective mask, also has a powerful cream version of the same tool.

Nikolai Gulakov

Question for discussion

And yet: does our skin really need to receive a mask every day? Everything is individual and is determined by its condition, type, as well as the goals you want to achieve. And of course, the composition of the tool itself. For example, cleansing masks with a high content of clay, fruit acids and disinfectants should not be used daily, even if the skin is very oily. After all, together with sebum, these drugs draw out water, and at the same time literally “cut off” the surface layer, increasing the risk of penetration of harmful substances. Therefore, they should be used in doses, and then apply a soothing cream with good moisturizing properties. But there are also soft cleansing masks, rich in relaxing and hydrating substances, which cosmetologists allow to be applied quite often. With one caveat: keep on the face for less than 3 minutes, avoiding drying. This allows you to free the skin from impurities and toxins, but at the same time maintain water balance.

Nikolai Gulakov

Topic course

Usually, a course of daily masks is prescribed to solve some problem: dehydration, peeling, dullness, rashes, and so on. Thanks to the constant supply of the necessary substances (moisturizing, regulating, stimulating, soothing), the cells quickly improve their work, and the situation improves. But after such a massive impact, it is worth taking a break. When the resources of the skin are restored, it will not be able to absorb the amount of active substances that the mask brings daily. And it turns out that the active drug will work in vain. Or, which is also likely, the skin will signal the redundancy of this remedy: irritation will appear.

Two friends

The least problems are the daily application of patches under the eyes and night masks. The former are specially designed for frequent use and are ideal for those who spend their days at the computer. In addition to smoothing wrinkles and eliminating blue with swelling, eye patches relieve tension and fatigue well. Night masks are more of a marketing ploy. They are a more intense version of a night cream. Such drugs are applied before bedtime, do not require rinsing and work all night. This distinguishes them from classic masks: the latter are kept on the skin for no more than half an hour.

Independent work

Nikolai Gulakov

Over the past decade, masks, along with serums, have seriously increased their status. Today they are associated with efficiency, quick effect and high technology. But at the same time, they still remind us that the time has come to take time for ourselves. “Mom always made a mask on Saturdays from improvised means. At these moments, she could not be disturbed: it was believed that the wrinkles would not smooth out. She would put on a record with some beautiful songs, I would sit next to me and, it seems, for the first time in a week, I fell silent. Now, for me, the mask has become a meditative ritual, which is necessarily accompanied by music. Fortunately, I can use this opportunity at least every day to relax,” says 38-year-old Maria, a cardiologist.

Therefore, even if you do this ritual daily, do not turn it into a routine. Cooking, cleaning and ironing with a mask on your face is not necessary. Active components are better absorbed in a horizontal position, when the blood circulation of the skin becomes uniform. A great opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle and relax.

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