Masks for skin and hair care. Video
You want to look beautiful and well-groomed at any age. Nevertheless, over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, the body loses its flexibility, the first wrinkles appear, hair and nails become more brittle. To delay the onset of these problems, you need to start caring for yourself from an early age. It is not necessary to use expensive creams for this, homemade masks for the skin are quite suitable.
Masks for skin and hair care
One of the main rules in self-care is the regularity of procedures. Even the most expensive cream, in the creation of which literally “space technologies” were used, will not give such a tremendous result with a single application. It needs to be used all the time, and some women don’t know that creams and serums should be applied to previously cleansed skin.
If you want to preserve the beauty and health of your skin for as long as possible, always wash off your makeup before bed. Give your face a chance to rest
Experts recommend washing your face twice a day: morning and evening. This can be done with the help of special gels, foams or other means for washing, matched to the type of skin. Then a toner should be applied to the face, and only then a moisturizer or some other cream.
What you need to know about face creams
It is best if the day cream contains sunscreen filters with an SPF factor of at least 15. For people living in hotter climates, or those with fair skin, this figure should be at least 30. This remedy will help prevent the appearance of age spots and fight the first signs aging. It should be remembered that it should be applied not only in the summer months, but even in the winter, although during this period of time the sun is the least active.
In turn, the night cream should be slightly different from the day cream and perfectly not only moisturize the skin, but also nourish it. It should be applied no later than 30 minutes before bedtime, otherwise some of the product will remain on the pillow.
The eye cream is best kept in the refrigerator. Then it will not only perfectly nourish and moisturize, but also instantly tighten the skin.
Various oils are a good alternative to night cream. For example, rosehip or rosemary oil
To make the skin always smooth and velvety, you can pamper it with masks and peel it several times a month. For more comprehensive care, you should constantly visit a beautician who will be able to choose the most adequate remedies for solving certain skin problems and give advice on the use of a particular drug at home.
When using masks and peels on your own, you should carefully follow the instructions. If it says “keep the mask on your face for 5-10 minutes,” then you need to do so, and not walk with the product on your face for an hour or more. Not only will this not give the best result, but it can even cause harm. Especially when it comes to drugs that contain active acids.
The hair of any girl and woman, like the skin, needs constant care, especially for the fair sex with long curls. The constant use of a hair dryer, curling irons, styling and styling products makes hair brittle, damages it, therefore, in addition to the basic care, consisting of shampoo by hair type and conditioner, it is necessary to make various masks.
After shampooing, do not walk with a towel on wet hair for a long time. From this they become brittle and dull.
Hair masks should be applied no more than once a week. It is not necessary to buy some expensive drugs. Some products can be prepared at home. For example, Sophia Loren recommends applying olive oil to your hair before washing your hair. This is one of the secrets of her beauty. The only problem here is that it is quite difficult to wash off.
Another effective remedy is ginger. You need to grate it and rub the ginger juice into the scalp, and then apply it along the entire length of the hair. Roll up hair with plastic wrap and wrap in a towel. After an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.
Fruit and berry masks, masks with essential oils and egg yolk give excellent results. It all depends on the needs of a particular person.
We keep the body in good shape
In order for the body to always look fit, it is necessary to devote the proper amount of time to sports activities. Fortunately, the choice is large enough. Practically in any, even a small fitness center, there is aerobics, yoga or Pilates classes, dancing, etc. If you can’t get to the fitness center, you can devote more time to walking, cycling, or at least walking up the stairs without resorting to using the elevator.
In many European countries, running and race walking have recently become very popular. If you live near a park, why not spend at least 20 minutes a day running or walking at a brisk pace. This will significantly improve blood circulation, help maintain muscle tone and keep your body beautiful and flexible for years to come. As the saying goes, “in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.”
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