Masks for circles under the eyes

Created a lot of folk remedies that help remove circles or bruises around the eyes. One of the most effective remedies should be considered raw and boiled potatoes.

The following are the most effective and easy-to-prepare masks:

  • Two circles of peeled raw potatoes are superimposed on the eyes so that they completely cover them. In this position, you need to lie for about 20 minutes. It is also acceptable to prepare a mask from mashed potatoes, which must be cooled down when used. A similar mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which the remnants are washed off the skin with warm water;

  • Raw potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater, after which two teaspoons are mixed with one spoon of olive oil or some other oil. The skin next to the eyes is smeared with this oil, and only after that it is permissible to apply the mass. After a maximum of half an hour, the mask must be washed off with strongly brewed green or black tea, diluted 50% with warm water;

  • One raw potato without a peel is rubbed on a grater. The final mass is mixed in equal amounts with oat flour (recommended – half a teaspoon). A small ratio of milk is added to the solution to form a thick slurry and after that the mask can be applied to the skin around the eyes for 25 minutes.

In addition to potatoes, you can use cottage cheese, tea and even walnuts:

  • The first of the components makes it possible to remove circles under the eyes, if rubbed with a spoon, and then applied to the eyes for no more than 25 minutes. The excess is removed with a cotton swab, which must previously be dipped in chilled tea;

  • With blueness, lotions are made from cooled tea near the eyes, and already used tea bags are applied;

  • Peeled walnuts are ground in a coffee grinder to the consistency of flour. Two tablespoons of the resulting product are mixed with one and a half tablespoons of softened butter. Also add a few drops of uncanned lemon or pomegranate juice. The mass is applied to the skin near the eyes and left for half an hour, then washed off with a little warm water.

No less effective are masks made from fresh cucumbers or using parsley:

  • Cucumbers are rubbed on a fine grater, then take at least half a tablespoon of the mass and add to it an equal ratio of finely chopped either parsley or coriander (cilantro). Then 50% of a spoonful of sour cream is added, everything is mixed and laid out on the eyes. After no more than 15 minutes, the mass should be washed off with warm water. It will also be no less useful to lie down with cucumber circles for about half an hour;

  • Leaves should be chopped as much as possible, as well as parsley stalks. After one spoon of greens is mixed with two tablespoons of softened butter. This is done to form a creamy homogeneous composition. The presented type of mixture is recommended to be applied before going to bed, while rubbing thoroughly;

  • One spoon of finely chopped parsley is poured into 50% of a glass of boiling water and insisted for 15-20 minutes. Next, moisten two cotton pads in a warm infusion and apply to the eyes, not pressing hard. It is recommended to do this in a supine position. Lying with a similar mask should be at least 20 minutes, and then wash off the remnants with cold water;

  • One tablespoon of chopped parsley (any parts of it) is ground with two tablespoons of high-fat cottage cheese. You should also add a little milk (instead of dairy ingredients, you can use half a tablespoon of sour cream). Apply the mask directly to the dark circles around the eyes and leave for a while, after which it is necessary to wash with water at room temperature or weak tea leaves.

In addition, you can always resort to such simple recipes as:

  • One teaspoon of dried sage is poured into 1/2 cup of boiling water, covered with a lid and left for at least half an hour. The resulting tincture is filtered and poured into two parts. One of them can be frozen, and the second should be heated. It is necessary to make sure that both parts are used at the same time. After that, the cotton pad is moistened in a hot infusion, the area around the eyes is wiped, and then wiped with the resulting ice. This procedure should be carried out six more times. This contrast effectively removes dark circles and puffiness around the eyelids. According to a similar recipe, you can resort to an infusion from a mixture of one tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers with an equal ratio of dill;

  • An infusion of cornflowers and rosemary is also an excellent remedy, which is prepared with two tablespoons of fresh or dried parts of cornflower (you can use one spoon of rosemary instead). All this is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. Apply this solution as well as the infusion presented earlier. It should be stored in a cool place for several days, and warmed up immediately before use;

  • No less effective means will be ice, which is prepared from tea leaves. To do this, one teaspoon of black or green tea is poured into a glass of boiling water. Also, the mask can be prepared from infusions of dried herbs, such as sage, chamomile and cornflower flowers, dill or parsley. The application of this mask is extremely simple – clean skin next to the eyes is wiped with a solution. This is done daily in the morning and evening;

  • Freshly picked mallow leaves are moistened in cooled milk and applied to the eyes for at least a quarter of an hour. You can also warm the milk and, after waiting for it to cool completely, moisten cotton pads in it, attach them to your eyes. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with mineral water;

  • A crumb of white bread is taken, which is moistened in cooled milk to the state of gruel. The mass is applied to the eyes in large quantities and left for 20 minutes. Then it is removed with cotton wool, which should be dipped in cooled milk. If you make such a mask often enough, then the circles under the eye area, if they are not caused by pathological conditions, will disappear very soon.

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