Mask mode: why love sheet masks

The growing popularity of fabric and hydrogel masks is due to the fashion for Asian cosmetics – this trend in skin care came from South Korea and Japan. We tell you how such masks compare favorably with the more familiar ones – in tubes and jars.

The first thing that comes to mind is ease of use. No need to mess with applying and then rinsing off, no need to get your hands dirty or be afraid that the stain from the product will ruin your clothes or towel. The fact that most of these masks are packaged individually only adds to their advantages – it is convenient to take a bag with a mask on a trip or to the office, the exposure time is rarely more than ten minutes, and sometimes you don’t even need to wash your face afterwards.

Sheet masks have won their popularity not least due to the express effect and maximum ease of use. As a rule, they are impregnated with a transparent composition that does not need to be removed from the skin after exposure – this is an active serum, which provides the effect. Therefore, after removing the fabric part, the remnants of the product should only be driven in with your fingers or simply left until completely dry.

Another advantage of such masks is that they provide maximum skin contact with the product they are impregnated with. For example, compresses that are familiar to us have a similar effect – they seem to “press” the agent into the epidermis and prevent it from spreading or evaporating. Experts say that such masks provide deeper penetration of active ingredients than the usual cream or clay masks.

In addition, “side” silicone, glycerin and other components are rarely added to the impregnation serum, which in conventional masks prevent the rapid evaporation of active substances. If you haven’t slept much or are prone to morning puffiness, you also have something to love sheet masks for – they perfectly tone up, have a drainage effect and disperse fluid in the tissues.

If the mask is cooled before application, the effect will be even more obvious. For this, some people store several pieces in the refrigerator, but you can leave it in the cold for 15-20 minutes. Finally, those who do not consider themselves beauty minimalists, do not seek to reduce their cosmetic assortment to the most basic set and like to try different products, will like that many sheet masks and patches can be bought in a single copy – at a time. You can make different masks every day, but you do not need to start a separate room for cosmetics.

Moisturizing masks can be used at least every day

For example, Biotherm has recently pleased with the whole collection of Aqua sheet masks, taking care of the problems faced by the skin in the metropolis. Stress, adverse environmental effects and other negative factors make it dull, dehydrated and prone to flaking or, conversely, oily sheen.

Each of the three masks solves one of the key problems – it gives the skin radiance, tightens it or returns a pleasant dullness. And thanks to the famous plankton concentrate from the thermal springs in the French Pyrenees Biotherm Life Plankton, which is enriched in all three new products, the skin also receives the coveted portion of deep hydration, without which it is impossible to maintain its beauty and health.

Excellent cryomasks came from the Korean giant Dr.Jart + – there are four of them, each solves its own task (soothes, tightens, moisturizes and evens out tone), and also cools, which will have a great effect on puffiness and complexion. These masks are alginate – they are made from algae, which in the air become like rubber. Usually such a mask should be mixed from the powder and quickly applied to the face until it hardens. These are sold as ready-made “templates” – you need to use them in the same way as fabric ones.

Some people think that too much sheet masks can damage the skin. It is impossible to call fears unreasonable, but it is worth adding that the frequency of use depends on the composition of the active substance. If it contains exfoliating components, if it is intended for deep cleansing, it is worth using it every few days (unless otherwise indicated on the package).

Moisturizing masks can be used at least every day. Japanese women, for example, do just that – in the Land of the Rising Sun, some moisturizing sheet masks are even sold in large packages of 30-60 pieces – like wet wipes.

Ansaligy hydrogel face lifting patches

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