Mask, I know you! How to recognize hyperthyma and what does Yegor Creed have to do with it?

Man is a creature largely unknown and mysterious even to himself. It is also much easier for a person to perceive a well-structured and detailed reality. That is why we began to typify and classify each other long before the first works on psychology appeared. And in general, long before the emergence of such a scientific direction as differential psychology. Remember at least the notorious horoscopes or descriptions of typical character traits and behavioral stereotypes for people born in a certain year.

Mask, I know you! How to recognize hyperthyma and what does Yegor Creed have to do with it?

Why type people at all?

Agree, knowing the alleged «pitfalls» of an unfamiliar person, it is much easier to predict her behavior, to suggest what to expect from her in the context of certain phenomena and events. It is on these basic principles of frequency, similarity, difference and recognizability that almost all typologies of human psychotypes are built, and there are a lot of them. And typologies, and psychotypes, of course. The academic works of such venerable scientists as Carl Jung, German Witkin, Alexander Lazursky, Gustav Neuhaus, Ivan Pavlov or Eduard Spranger are also based on this. The same principle of typification underlies such a concept of personality types as socionics and even at the basis of the original and in many respects controversial typology «Except people» by Olga Knize. The latter has become quite popular on the web due to its non-standard approach to typing and almost fantasy descriptions.

Today we will try to type one of the famous media personalities. Why exactly famous and media ones is easy to guess. We can constantly watch these people through computer monitors and TV screens, most of the time they are in sight.

So, meet: twenty-seven-year-old star of the Russian pop scene, songwriter, singer


c, actor, Yegor Bulatkin, well known to fans under the stage name Yegor Creed.

Mask, I know you! How to recognize hyperthyma and what does Yegor Creed have to do with it?


What do we, outside viewers, know about the character of the star?

Firstly, Yegor, an extremely purposeful person. He wanted to become a singer since childhood, looking at creative and gifted parents. And with age, he not only did not change his dream, but also fully realized it.

Secondly, open and bright Yegor is not at all afraid of competition, he feels free and very calm in the company of stars of any size. Even those who are objectively older, more talented and more famous than him.

Thirdly, the artist, as it is now fashionable to say, is not at all afraid of hype, he openly uses his popularity, arranging minor provocations and thereby driving his fans to ecstasy, and managers to a heart attack. Some scandalousness testifies to the narcissism of our hero.

Among other things, Yegor copes well with difficult life situations, taking responsibility for them, knows how to orient himself in time and accept a risky but tempting offer.

According to one of the most famous typologies, written by the Soviet psychiatrist Andrei Evgenievich Lichko, the personality of our typified belongs to the hyperthymic type. And this is not surprising. Now hyperthyms make up the vast majority of media people — bloggers, vloggers, singers, designers, and so on. The traits and behavioral stereotypes characteristic of hyperthyms allow them to quickly achieve popularity.

Mask, I know you! How to recognize hyperthyma and what does Yegor Creed have to do with it?

Who is hyperthymia?

Bright, catchy, ageless, positive, very active and «noisy», hyperthymic for any seething. They are quite intelligent, easily and quickly adapt to the environment, feeling their superiority over others. These are people-fountains, the energy from them is literally in full swing, forcing them to be constantly on the move, actively gesticulate even during a calm conversation.

However, the feeling of personal superiority fades if more well-read, emotionally stable and self-confident individuals fall into their “hit zone”. Here it is easier for hyperthym to pretend that he was just passing by.

Hyperthyms themselves simply cannot be in an emotionally stable state, they need passions and dramas, stormy delight and acute sadness. These emotional swings, especially for creative personalities such as Yegor, are an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Here we have such a bright and rather positive psychological portrait of Yegor Creed today. Considering that any typology allows for some combinatorial types, we can assume that our hero successfully combines the features of not only a hyperthymic, but also a demonstrative type. The latter is characterized by greater self-confidence, and a rather sharp perception of one’s own self. However, in Yegor’s behavior there is no open vanity, bragging and flattery characteristic of people of a demonstrative type. Although, we may not know everything about him. After all, man is a creature largely unknown and mysterious even to himself.

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