Masculinity and femininity do not like nicotine

Although many cinematic macho cigarettes added sex appeal, and a tempting and dangerous woman, such as Sharon Stone in the Naked Instinct – more than once seduced with smoke – in fact, nicotine harms male and female.

Smoking cigarettes is, unfortunately, one of the greatest threats to sexual performance in men. As he informs, appointed by prof. Witold Zatoński Foundation for the Promotion of Health, smoking increases the risk of impotence by over 50% in men aged 30-49.

Fortunately, you can quickly improve once you quit smoking.

The influence of cigarettes on potency

Erection and keeping the penis erect is a stiffening and enlargement of this organ due to the increased blood supply. Nicotine makes erection difficult for several reasons. One in five smokers has too low blood pressure in the blood vessels. This results in too little blood flowing to the penis, preventing an erection. Rapid vasoconstriction as a direct and immediate consequence of nicotine stimulating the brain also reduces blood flow to the penis. Nicotine also damages the valve mechanism that holds the blood around the penis. Worse still, damage to the small blood vessels in the penis can also be a sign of vascular problems that could herald heart or circulatory disease. The detrimental effect of nicotine on masculinity is also manifested by a reduction in the amount of sperm produced. The number of sperm is also reduced, and their shape and mobility are disturbed. As a result, the man cannot get offspring.

Smoking also significantly increases the likelihood of developing other risk factors for impotence. A study of 1290 men previously treated for impotence in the US state of Massachusetts found that smokers experienced twice as often erectile dysfunction as non-smokers – 56% compared with 21%. Smoking was also associated with a much greater likelihood of complete impotence in men suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, and arthritis.

Cigarettes and acne

Nobody has any doubts that cigarette smoke harms the beauty of both men and women. The dermatologist can easily see if the patient is smoking or in the company of a smoker.

In women, smoke lowers estrogen levels, which causes dry skin and a reduction in the amount of collagen fibers. This means premature wrinkles and enlarged pores at the age of 30. As a result of the penetration of nicotine substances into the skin, the content of vitamins C, A and E decreases. Without these important ingredients, the number of free radicals increases, which causes accelerated aging and a gray-yellow shade of the skin. That is why dermatologists and aesthetic medicine practitioners use the term nicotine face, and the wrinkles formed around the mouth are called smoker’s lines.

Of course, you can do a facelift, but you have to remember that wounds in smokers heal worse. Also, sunbathing is much more dangerous for smokers. Due to the dryness of the skin and the large number of free radicals generated by smoking, the sun’s rays can cause irreparable damage.

In addition, juvenile acne, rosacea and psoriasis are very fond of nicotine smoke, which aggravates these ailments. If we add to this yellowed teeth and hands – we can certainly say that beauty has passed with smoke.

How smoking affects the female body

Smokers age faster and not only on the face. Nicotine increases the risk of accelerated menopause and osteoporosis.

Smoking is also a contraindication to safe and effective contraception. Manufacturers of birth control pills warn against smoking while using them. The risk of a heart attack and stroke increases, and after the age of 30 this risk increases dramatically.

Nicotine is also a serious threat to pregnant women, and in fact to the fetus. The smoke penetrates into him throughout the pregnancy, not only when the pregnant woman smokes, but also if she is in the company of smokers. The bearing does not provide any protection. The unborn baby absorbs carcinogens. We should also remember that cigarettes are not only tar substances, but also radioactive substances contained in smoke. By smoking one and a half packs of cigarettes a day during the year, you can get the dose of ionizing radiation as after 300 x-ray examinations, and no one gets x-rays during pregnancy.

Fortunately, even after 40 years of smoking, the human body is able to repair the damage caused by nicotine. So let’s save your masculinity or femininity.

Also read: Smoking is a disease

Also read: Electronic cigarettes – What is inside e-cigarettes?

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