Maryin Root: planting, leaving

Maryin root is a perennial plant that forms in the form of a shrub up to 1 m in height. In nature, it grows in light forests, on the edges and in river valleys. In Russia, it is distributed in Siberia and the northern regions. It is valuable for its decorativeness, therefore it is often and successfully grown in garden plots.

The dodging peony and the marin root are one and the same plant. Only the first name is official, and the second was appropriated to it by the people. But it stuck so well that in many literary sources it is just called that.

Maryin root grows naturally in forests and river valleys

The plant is planted in the fall. A month before that, we prepare the landing pits:

  • The soil must be loose, so you need to dig it up in advance;
  • We dig holes with sides and a depth of 50 cm;
  • We fill most of the pit with a mixture of earth, sand, humus and peat in equal amounts. We fertilize with wood ash and superphosphate. We fill the remaining free space with earth;
  • Until the moment of planting, the soil is compressed and does not sag. We plant the plants at a distance of 1 m from each other, water them.

There will be no flowering in the first year, and the next number of flowers will be minimal. An indicator of normal development during this period is the growth of shoots – in the second year, 3-6 stems should appear. The plant has a long lifespan – up to 30 years.

This shrub will not cause trouble for the owner, but still it has its own requirements for the conditions of its maintenance:

  • The main rule when choosing a place for a bush is that it should be bright and sunny. Although direct sunlight at noon is undesirable. In a dark place, the peony will not bloom.
  • Another nuance is the free movement of air. It is undesirable for such a neighborhood as buildings or other plants closely planted.
  • It is very important not to overmoisten the soil. It is not allowed to dry out in the spring during the budding period, as well as in August, when buds are formed for future flowers. The rest of the time, the frequency of watering should be reduced.
  • You can not plant a plant in a place where groundwater flows close – a powerful root system accumulates moisture itself, and if there is an excess of it, decay will begin, and subsequently the death of the bush.

The soil needs to be fertilized periodically. Complex preparations are suitable for this. During the dacha season, three dressings are enough – during the spring awakening, the formation of buds and the laying of buds for the next year.

In preparation for winter, the stems are cut almost at the base. Sprinkle hemp with wood ash. Young plants should be covered before the onset of cold weather. Adult specimens do not need this.

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