Martorelli ulcer – symptoms and treatment

Syn.: Hypertensive ulcer, arterial ulcer.

Def.: A rare form of leg ulceration in patients with labile hypertension.

Epid .: Most of the patients are women, usually middle-aged.

Etiol.: The essence of this disease is the coexistence of arterial hypertension and vascular changes. Due to the high pressure inside the arteries, their contraction, muscle hypertrophy and accumulation of hyaline deposits in the middle layer of the vessels occur. Minor injuries can initiate ulceration.

Loc.: The area above the outer ankle.

Wedge: Initially a black scab is formed surrounded by erythema. The ulcer that ensues has sharp edges, is usually quite large, painful, and resistant to treatment.

DR: Ulcers due to chronic venous insufficiency or arterial disease, non-cystic disease, lupus tuberculosis, pyoderma gangrene, neoplasms (e.g. basal or squamous cell carcinoma).

But.: The primary job is to control high blood pressure.

Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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