
“Martin” – a line of intoxicating drinks of the same name company near Moscow, which produces various food products. Produces beer in the amount of up to 8 tons per day, a structural subdivision of the holding – the company “Martin Aqua”. The plant is located on the site of the historic Franz Grubbe brewery, founded at the end of the century before last. With products of the imperial bottling, marked with gold medals and Grand Prix at the Paris, Brussels and Madrid exhibitions, Martin beer is related to water from the same source, which previously made its way to the surface, and now comes from a 240-meter well.

Currently, the plant in the village of Belaya Glina, Krasnodar Territory, produces three types of light and two types of dark beer. Like more than a hundred years ago, it is brewed according to traditional recipes from malt, hops, water and yeast cultures. It is easy to recognize Martin beer by a special bottle, the appearance of which resembles wine. The intoxicated drink is corked with a real cork and crown cork, and covered with a heat-shrinkable plastic cap on top. This technology increases the shelf life up to 12 months and allows you to deliver products far beyond the Kuban.

Historical information

Beloglinsky brewery was built in 1886 by an Austrian citizen Anton Gruby, and four years later it became the property of his brother Franz. For a quarter of a century, no more than a dozen employees worked in the brewery, and the assortment of the workshop consisted of four brands of beer: Black, Pilsensky, Cheshsky, Export. Only in 1911, the staff increased to 30 people, the output amounted to 800 thousand liters per year, and the beer received prestigious awards at European exhibitions.

Like all breweries, during the Prohibition of the First World War and during the Civil War, production fell into decline, and resumed work under the name of the Zvezda brewery only in 1923. In the early 70s, as a brewery, the enterprise was part of the Beloglinsky regional food factory, and ceased to exist after the collapse of the USSR.

The modern history of the plant, where Italian brewing equipment is installed, began in February 2011. A few months later, at the World Food and Prodexpo exhibitions, Martin beer was awarded gold medals as the product of the year.

Types of beer “Martin”

“Classic Amber”, 5,5%

Пиво со сбалансированным мягким вкусом, цветом светлого янтаря, обильной пеной. В медово-солодовом аромате различимы запахи сухой травы и цитрусовых. Насыщенный солодовый вкус расцвечен привкусом пряностей, фруктов, меда с отчетливой хмелевой горечью послевкусия.

Velvet, 8,4%

Strong beer “Martin” of a juicy ruby ​​​​hue with wine notes in taste and aroma. The foam is persistent with a rich smell of burnt sugar and long-cut grass. The malt dominant on the palate is complemented by hints of bread toast, fruit, caramel and a persistent hop bitter aftertaste.

“Amber”, 4,8%

Светлое пиво, но более темного оттенка, чем обычно. Со свежим хмелевым ароматом и легкой ноткой цитрусовых. Мягкий сладковатый вкус напитка без избыточной приторности, с тонами сухофруктов. Послевкусие – с различимой освежающей горечью.

“Classic”, 4,5%

Dark filtered pasteurized beer “Martin” pleasant ruby ​​color with a rapidly falling white foam. The aroma is dominated by caramel tones. Taste – pronounced velvety caramel with a distinct hop bitter aftertaste.

“Golden”, 3,3%

Light refreshing drink of a yellow-amber hue. The aroma features hops and malt with hints of ripe fruit and spices. The taste is malty with a slight sourness and characteristic pleasant bitterness. The beer is poured into glass bottles with a capacity of 0,75 and 0,375 liters.


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