Marsh saxifrage: photo and description

Marsh saxifrage is a rare plant listed in the Red Book. It has a bright appearance and has medicinal properties that are successfully used in traditional medicine. Being on the verge of extinction, the saxifrage fell under the supervision of environmental authorities, carefully monitoring the spread and development of the plant.

Botanical description of the species

Marsh saxifrage (lat. Saxifraga Hirculus) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Saxifraga, family Saxifraga. The stems are found both single and multiple, outwardly they are simple and erect. The height is from 10 to 40 cm. The surface of the stem is densely pubescent with reddish hairs.

Marsh saxifrage has entire lanceolate oblong leaves with pointed tips. They are light green in color, their length is from 1 to 3 cm, width – from 3 to 5 mm. From top to bottom, the leaves taper into a small stalk. The fruit is an oblong oval capsule. Its length reaches 1 cm. Flowering occurs in summer and autumn – from July to September.

Marsh saxifrage flowers are solitary, located at the top of the plant in 2-3 large inflorescences of 10 petals. They have a bright yellow color, sometimes stained with orange dots. The shape is elliptical, oval, the length reaches 8-12 mm, the width is 3-3,5 mm.

Marsh saxifrage: photo and description

Marsh saxifrage blooms throughout the summer

Range of growth

Under natural conditions, the plant is widely distributed in the hypoarctic cold, temperate zone and in mountainous regions: in Our Country, Belarus, Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Found in Europe, Scandinavia and North America. It grows in river areas and damp meadows, around swamps and in moss-lichen tundra.

Number and causes of extinction

The population of the plant is declining, but this does not lead to the complete extinction of the species – it is less common in Eurasia, choosing the safest places to grow.

Attention! The complete extinction of the plant is known in the Czech Republic, Austria and in many parts of Ireland.

The main reasons for the population decline are considered to be:

  • draining marshland;
  • deforestation;
  • aridity of the area during the summer seasons;
  • haymaking.

Marsh saxifrage is in the Red Book of many regions of Our Country and the world. The spread and increase in the number of plants are carefully monitored by specialists.

Security measures

To eliminate the threat of extinction of the marsh saxifrage, environmental authorities are taking a number of measures to increase the population and reduce the harmful impact. The plant is placed in national reserves and carefully controlled. In places of growth, audits, accounting and rescue operations are carried out.

Security measures include the search for new places of distribution, the restriction of harmful human activities. To increase the population of the marsh saxifrage, tests are carried out, samples of artificial resettlement in a suitable habitat and monitoring of plant growth and development.

Marsh saxifrage: photo and description

The aerial part of the plant is often used as a raw material for the preparation of infusions and decoctions.

Medicinal properties

All parts of the marsh saxifrage (roots, seeds, flowers, leaves, stems) have healing properties. They contain tannins that have an anti-inflammatory effect, positively affect the functioning of the digestive tract and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Decoctions and tinctures from the plant are recommended to use:

  • to stimulate menstruation;
  • in the treatment of heart disease;
  • as a prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders;
  • as a diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

A decoction of the seeds and rhizomes of the marsh saxifrage helps with skin diseases. It is used to make compresses or talkers, which are used to treat problem areas.

Application in folk medicine

Marsh saxifrage is used for delayed menstruation. To prepare the medicine you need:

  1. Boil a tablespoon of chopped herbs in a glass of water for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Let it brew for 1 hour.
  3. Strain thoroughly.

You need to take the remedy two tablespoons three times a day.

Lotions for acne and dermatitis are treated with a decoction.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a tablespoon of crushed saxifrage roots and 1 tsp. seeds.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a glass of water, boil the mixture over low heat for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Strain thoroughly.

You need to treat the problem area regularly, at least twice a day – in the morning and in the evening.

Marsh saxifrage: photo and description

The roots are used in folk medicine for the preparation of diuretic and cleansing medicinal preparations.


Individual intolerance is the main contraindication to the use of marsh saxifrage as a medicine. Decoctions from this plant negatively affect the state of the blood, thickening it and increasing the risk of thrombosis. Special instructions apply to pregnant and lactating women – excessive consumption negatively affects the well-being and health of the mother.

Important! In moderate doses, the plant has a beneficial effect on lactation.

Is it possible to grow on the plot

For breeding marsh saxifrage, it is necessary to create suitable habitat conditions. This is a marsh plant that prefers moist soil and shady places for its comfortable existence. It is difficult to meet all the requirements for growing on the site – for agricultural purposes, the “relatives” of the species, more light-loving, undemanding and winter-hardy varieties, are better suited.


Marsh saxifrage has many healing properties and is of invaluable benefit to the natural environment. The plant is not suitable for growing on the site, however, it is actively distributed by environmental authorities to maintain the population.

Spleenwort ordinary – Night blindness. Marsh saxifrage – Royal eyes.

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