Marsh cinquefoil: useful properties and applications

Marsh cinquefoil: useful properties and applications

Sabelnik is a perennial medicinal plant that has a creeping rhizome and woody reddish stems of an unusual curved shape. As a rule, the height of this plant does not exceed one meter, and the length of the rhizome is no more than three meters. The cinquefoil blooms at the end of July and in August. Such a unique plant often grows in lowlands and swampy areas, along the banks of rivers and lakes, and is also found in backwaters and flooded wet meadows. It forms quite dense thickets.

Useful properties of cinquefoil

Essential oils, carotene, flavonoids, tannins were found in the rhizome of the cinquefoil. The leaves and stems, in addition to various trace elements, contain vitamin C. Due to this, the extract from this plant has a unique antitumor activity. A special cinquefoil tea boasts anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent and diaphoretic properties. Such a drink has a positive effect on human immunity, while cinquefoil tea is simultaneously indicated for the treatment of rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases and infectious inflammations. Mention should also be made of its powerful antipyretic effect.

Special extracts on alcohol are prescribed for salt deposits and inflammation in the joints. However, to achieve the effect, a long course of treatment is expected. As an excellent external remedy for wound healing, fresh cinquefoil leaves are used. Some experts advise using compresses based on brewed chopped herbs for mastitis, hemorrhoids, sciatica, breast tumors and serious bruises. With bleeding gums and toothache, infusions from a mixture of leaves, roots, stems and flowers are effective. In addition, such a tool will help restore the skin with purulent wounds.

Scientific studies of cinquefoil in arthrosis, osteoarthritis

In 2005, the rhizomes of the marsh cinquefoil were found to have anti-inflammatory activity due to the polysaccharide komaruman. [1]. Later, in 2009, this effect was confirmed again. [2].

In 2008, new types of proanthocyanidins with anti-arthritic activity were found in the roots of cinquefoil. [3]

In a 2018 study, cinquefoil was found to have analgesic effects in patients with knee osteoarthritis unresponsive to diclofenac. It had anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, analgesic, antioxidant, antihistamine and membrane-stabilizing effects. Thus, cinquefoil can not only relieve the pain associated with osteoarthritis, but also reduce systemic inflammation, slow the progression of atherosclerosis and complications of diabetes. [4]

The last study was in June 2021. The pleiotropic effect of mosquito has been studied in patients with osteoarthritis and diabetes mellitus with a high burden of comorbidities. The result of the treatment was a significant reduction in pain and other symptoms, in addition, total cholesterol was reduced, and the level of good cholesterol was increased. [5].

The use of a saber

Alcoholic tincture of cinquefoil is usually indicated in the treatment of arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, influenza, as well as the deposition of a large amount of salt in the cervical vertebrae. This tool is also used in cancer. After the prescribed course of treatment, there is a normalization of metabolism in the body, strengthening of immunity and cleansing of the intestines from toxins. Various tinctures and decoctions can be rubbed into sore joints, and it is also recommended to make miraculous compresses from them. Due to the unique composition of the cinquefoil, such products quickly relieve inflammation in the cartilage tissue, restoring its strong original structure. In this case, the cartilage tissue becomes more elastic. Also, various remedies from the decoction of the plant can be used for everyday rubbing with severe muscle pain.

Tincture of cinquefoil

Marsh cinquefoil: useful properties and applications

The most effective drug based on cinquefoil is considered to be the alcohol tincture of such a plant. It is indicated for the treatment of malignant tumors, arthritis, leukemia, arthrosis and other ailments. For self-preparation of such a tincture of cinquefoil for 2 tablespoons of rhizomes, which should be well chopped beforehand, we take 500 ml of vodka. To infuse, we remove the container with the mixture in a dark place for 20 days. After this, the tincture must be carefully filtered.

It is recommended to take it 1 tablespoon diluted. The course of treatment involves taking the drug 3 times a day for at least three weeks. The repetition of the course is possible after a mandatory week break.

Treatment with cinquefoil

For joints. To treat inflammation in muscle tissue and relieve joint pain, a special ointment from cinquefoil is used. To make it, you will need one tube of ordinary hand cream and 1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of cinquefoil, and you should also add 1 teaspoon of red pepper tincture, 10 drops of vitamin E and 1 tablespoon of honey. The mixture should be well mixed and such a resulting substance should be stored in the refrigerator. This ointment should be rubbed daily into painful areas of the joints with simple circular movements.

When pregnancy. It is undesirable to use various infusions, extracts, decoctions and tinctures from cinquefoil during pregnancy.

With cancer. It has been proven that such an unusual plant as cinquefoil has an active antitumor effect. Various decoctions have long been used to prevent all kinds of cancers. It should be noted that this plant is included in many modern anti-cancer drugs. One of the most effective is considered a special herbal tea, which is indicated for a serious fight against tumors. Influencing the human body, such a drink has an incredible stimulating effect not only on the functioning of internal organs, but also on cellular metabolism in general. This herbal tea from cinquefoil perfectly helps to stop the growth and complex processes of the spread of neoplasms throughout the body.

At arthrosis. With such an ailment as arthrosis of the knee joints, modern doctors advise trying a unique remedy to relieve pain and alleviate your condition. To make the preparation for 100 grams of roots, it is advisable to take 4 full glasses of vodka. Pour the mixture, mix thoroughly, and then put in a rather dark place to infuse for three weeks.

Take this tincture should be 1 tablespoon before meals. Or you can rub the affected areas with such a tool and make compresses.

With a hernia. In folk medicine, there are several effective recipes for the full treatment of spinal hernia. To prepare a remedy that is unique in its action, you should take at least 1 grams of crushed cinquefoil roots per 100 liter of vodka. Such a remedy is taken orally after three weeks of infusion in a dark place.

It is necessary to use such an infusion before meals 3 or 4 times a day, diluting 1 tablespoon of the product with a quarter glass of water.

Sabel tea

Delicious cinquefoil tea not only perfectly cleanses the body of all kinds of toxins, but also promotes rapid cell renewal, and also significantly slows down aging. Such an unusual drink is often used to stimulate the immune system and restore thyroid function. Along with this, such a unique tea is indicated for the normalization of lipid metabolism, relaxation of spasmodic cerebral vessels, and suppression of malignant tumors.

It should be mentioned that the presented tool boasts antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Modern doctors recommend using this tea for preventive purposes instead of regular tea leaves.

Recipes based on cinquefoil

Such an amazing plant has such a wide impact on the human body that in folk medicine there are more than a dozen healing recipes based on it.

Infusion of cinquefoil. Infusion of cinquefoil is indicated for various neoplasms, for leukemia, as well as for arthritis and arthrosis. The course of treatment with such a remedy, as a rule, is at least 10 days.

Broth cinquefoil. For its preparation, for 1 tablespoon of dried and chopped stems, we take no more than one glass of boiling water. After 2 hours of infusion, it is advisable to carefully strain the product.

How to take cinquefoil? It is recommended to take it in 70 ml before each meal at least one hour before. This decoction is great for stomach pain.

cinquefoil oil

To prepare cinquefoil oil, you can grind pieces of rhizomes yourself, put them in a bulk glass container and pour ordinary vegetable oil. Such a mixture should be infused for one month in a dark and dry place. Periodically, it is recommended to stir the product. After cooking, this oil must be filtered. It is effective when rubbed into the joints, as it perfectly relieves inflammation in them.

Contraindications to the use of cinquefoil

There are no special contraindications to the long-term use of cinquefoil. But it should be noted that the use of drugs based on such a plant is undesirable during pregnancy and the initial stage of breastfeeding. Small children are also not recommended to take medicines with cinquefoil. Individual intolerance to such a plant is extremely rare.

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