😉 Greetings to regular and new readers. In the article “Marrying a Frenchman: pros and cons, nuances of relationships” about the peculiarities of the temperament of French men. Should a Russian girl marry a Frenchman? At the end of the article, there is a video on this topic.
What are French men like?
After reading classic novels, you can wholeheartedly fall in love with France, with its sophistication and charm, with its unique atmosphere of love and adventure.
Many Russian women dream of marrying a Frenchman, and this desire is provoked precisely by the influence of France on our culture, but by no means the real experience of someone’s relationship.
When we think of French men, the famous clichés immediately come to our minds: gallant, romantic, slightly frivolous and windy, skillful lover. What is true here and what is not, let’s try to figure it out by analyzing the national character of the French.
The mentality of French men
Unfortunately, you will have to immediately debunk the myth of the romanticism of the French. Most of them know how to be romantics when necessary (for example, on the first date with a girl). But in real life they are pretty pragmatic.
The French can be interesting interlocutors, because they are naturally eloquent, and their education is good. A typical French resident cares about self-development, so he does not get tired of studying all his life.
However, in everyday life, the French can be quite boring. They love long conversations about politics and laws, they try to defend their civil rights at every step and are unlikely to miss the chance to go to some kind of demonstration or strike.
The myth of French frivolity is also an exaggeration. Cheerful and peaceful, they do not bother with trifles, do not create problems out of the blue. French men are in no hurry to part with their single life, many are quite satisfied with such a life alignment.
Therefore, only an interesting, comprehensively developing woman can win the heart of an inveterate bachelor. Of the positive qualities of these men, prudence and restraint can be distinguished.
The French are calm and balanced, they do not like showdowns and Mexican passions. They know how to get around sharp corners, find a compromise and reconcile other people. In communication, they are friendly and pleasant. The French are excellent diplomats not only in politics, but also in everyday life.
French in relationships
Of course, the French are real gentlemen. They respect women and view them as equal partners. If a French man praises his companion, it is more likely for her intelligence or talent, and not for her beauty or sexuality.
Of course, the French are pleased if the girl is well-groomed and attractive, but for them in the relationship in the first place is not the appearance, but the inner world of the woman.
Next to such a boyfriend, you can feel like a bright personality, but not a fragile and capricious princess. The French do not elevate women to goddesses, do not worship them. They don’t tend to idealize relationships or people.
Surely you were interested in the question of whether French men compare Russian girls with their compatriots, and in whose favor this comparison. Of course, they compare, and here are the conclusions they come to.
Slavic women are more beautiful, and not only because nature has endowed them with beauty. They spend a lot more money and effort to look their 100%.
French women, on the other hand, prefer natural beauty, they have no goal to please and please men at any cost. In addition, they are very independent and emancipated, fixated on themselves and their careers, while Russian women are ready to devote themselves to family and children.
There is an opinion that the French are stingy. In fact, they are just practical and calculating. A French boyfriend will not be greedy when choosing a perfume for his lady, but he will rarely give flowers.
Flowers and dinner
In Russia, it is customary to give bouquets mainly to women as an addition to a holiday or as a manifestation of attention. But in France, people buy flowers in armfuls to decorate their homes.
Choosing products for dinner after work, a Frenchwoman can grab another bouquet in the store so that it will delight the eyes of all family members. But our girls are surprised by this tradition. Does the lady buy flowers herself? This is strange, however!
In France, women often pay in restaurants not only for themselves, but also for their companions. For example, if you are the initiator of the date, but you also get paid. “Does the girl pay the date bill? It’s unheard of! ” – you will begin to be indignant.
The famous cafe “Two Mills”, st. Lepic, 15, Paris. The film “Amelie” was filmed here
But the French are not used to young ladies taking their generosity for granted. Any Frenchman will be pleased if a girl sometimes treats him to dinner in a cafe. He will regard this as a manifestation of love and care. But married couples can pay at the restaurant in turns.
French family
As stated earlier, a French marriage is an equal union. All family responsibilities are divided in half. Even the upbringing of offspring French women do not consider it their direct duty. They do not sit on maternity leave, but hurry to return to work, leaving the children to nannies.
Children start an independent life early, and their parents do not limit their freedom. Of course, the French family model has its advantages, but there is rarely the kind of attachment between children and parents that we consider to be the norm.
There are few housewives in France. Women strive to realize themselves in the profession, to take place as individuals. They love outdoor activities and do not refuse to meet with girlfriends and friends at any age. Sitting within four walls is the worst for a French woman.
An absolute plus is that parents do not interfere in the family life of the newlyweds. They live their busy lives, so they just have no time to grumble and teach.
Grandmothers will also most likely refuse to sit with their grandchildren. After all, they have their own business. If you have to get a divorce, then the court may well side with the father. This is one of the most dangerous pitfalls for Russian women.
France is a rich, civilized and democratic country that opens up enormous opportunities for a person for self-realization. However, the difference in mentality can disappoint a girl brought up on a beautiful fairy tale about Cinderella.
Even a happy housewife with a caring husband will feel uncomfortable with successful and independent ladies who have “made themselves”.
Learn more in this video compilation “Marrying a Frenchman: Pros and Cons”
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