😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! How to marry an American is a simpler question than understanding all the rules by which he lives. Otherwise, there can be no lasting union. At the end of the article, a selection of videos on the topic.
American men
In the minds of most Russian women, Americans are practical and wealthy men, masters of their own destiny. In fact, it is so. The typical American strives to work hard and productively in order to save enough money for his own home and its furnishings.
Americans are not used to counting on their parents’ help. Most of them are very serious about marriage, so they are in no hurry to get married. First you need to get on your feet, and then think about your own family.
How to please an American?
Americans are somewhat unique people, because the United States is a multinational country. Students from China, Russian programmers, migrants from Arab states – all of them gradually absorb Western culture and feel themselves to be an inseparable part of a free American society.
Statue of Liberty, years of construction 1876-1886, by Gustave Eiffel
However, deep in their hearts, they remain faithful to their native traditions. The indigenous people of the United States are Indians, the rest are immigrants. In the United States, Indians are called native Americans. Citizenship can be obtained in 3-5 years. By this time, the immigrant is already mastering the traditions and customs of the environment.
Americans willingly marry women of other nationalities. They are tolerant towards everyone who has any differences – from appearance to views and beliefs. From childhood, they are instilled with restraint and respect for other people’s opinions.
Therefore, if you met an American guy on a dating site, keep in mind that he will always assent to you and agree with everything.
What thoughts in this case come to the girl’s mind? Of course, she is very pleased that such an understanding, sincere person has finally been found. However, an American only supports you out of banal politeness, and not because he shares your views.
However, it is not difficult to please an American man. You need to be easy to communicate, have a sense of humor. But keep in mind that American humor is significantly different from ours! If you do not understand the jokes of the interlocutor, do not be offended, but just pretend that you are funny.
For an American, a woman’s past does not matter. He will not blame her for a bad relationship experience or for the number of her ex-men. Therefore, you can safely tell if you were already married, and if you have children.
Oddly enough, there are romantics among American men who believe in great love. Many of them dream of quiet family happiness and the only woman with whom they can live in harmony until old age.
Americans in relationships
American men give their girls almost complete leeway. The foundation of relationships in the United States is trust. The typical American will become your friend as well as your boyfriend. It is easy and interesting to communicate with American guys, they are always smiling and friendly.
It is not fashionable to be jealous in America, moreover, it is considered bad form. Any attempts to control a partner there encounter serious rebuff. If jealousy arises, then there is no trust. There is no trust – there is no point in continuing the relationship.
Americans are interested in freedom-loving and emancipated women. You can tell them directly what you think and feel. Very few of these men will appreciate being overly modest and shy. An American will be bored with a quiet “Turgenev” girl.
Despite the principle of trusting each other, cheating is common in America. Often Americans cheat to test their feelings. However, most of them are ready to forgive the infidelity of a loved one and start over.
Most American men spare no expense in courting girls. However, in America, it is not uncommon for a woman to pay for herself in a restaurant, even if the guy asked her out on a date. This fact can shock our girls.
Often among Americans there are how rational and calculating men are that their practicality turns into stinginess.
It is not so easy to understand the sincerity of an American’s intentions, especially if the communication takes place over the Internet. At first glance, he is kind and polite, but you can only find out if this is your person in person.
Do not be surprised if your friend does not offer to pay for flights or send you money for the trip. There is no need to immediately conclude that he is a curmudgeon, just Americans are accustomed to a high standard of living, perhaps they do not even think that someone has financial problems.
American family
The expectations of Russian girls are often overstated. Swimming in money and attending bright parties every other day – this is how our women imagine relations with Americans. However, the people of America know how not only to have fun, but also to work long and hard.
It is not accepted to be a housewife or a bird in a golden cage. Sitting on a husband’s neck means being incapable of anything or insecure. American women are obsessed with careers and self-realization, they often hire nannies and au pair.
However, it will be more difficult for a Russian woman to find a good job than for local women. Get ready to work in trade or services, start a business from scratch, or help your husband in his business.
You won’t have to sit around in this country. If you manage to get a rich groom, it is quite possible that he will give you a ready-made business, for example, a beauty salon. Well, that’s a pretty good option! Just do not forget to correctly draw up a marriage contract so that you can be sure of your future, remaining alone in a foreign country.
In fact, for the typical American, family matters a lot. They are usually great fathers who adore children and are willing to babysit them. An American husband can easily cook dinner for himself and the child if their mother is late at work. He will not sit and wait for his wife to feed and serve him.
Most American men know how to cook deliciously. It is not difficult for them to clean the house. In general, they are very neat and tidy.
So American guys create the impression of being cheerful and open-minded people. They are really nice to deal with. If you are a self-motivated and independent girl, an American husband will be a great party for you.
Marry an American → useful information ↓
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