Marry a Turk: the mentality of Turkish men

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Marry a Turk: the mentality of Turkish men” – about the peculiarities of the temperament of Turkish men and family traditions. I hope this information and video will be useful for girls who are going to marry a Turk.

Turkey is a country of resorts. Excellent service, affordable cost of tours, beautiful landscapes, lots of entertainment and warm sea attract tourists from all over the world. Resort romances also happen here.

But a short romantic adventure is one thing, and a serious relationship and starting a family is quite another. Usually tourists have little idea about this side of life, so let’s look at this issue.

Marrying a Turk: pros and cons

In Turkey, there is a persistent stereotype that Russian women are prone to easy behavior and are easy to seduce. This opinion arose at the end of the last century, when a lot of “moths” from Russia were working in Turkey. Naturally, having no other examples before their eyes, the Turks began to believe that this is the norm for Russian women in general.

But not all men in this country treat our girls in this way. For many of them, Russian women are the best option for starting a family. But in order to please a Turkish man, you need to show character traits that are appreciated in this country.

Remember that oriental men consider frivolous women only as friends and mistresses, but not wives.

Marry a Turk: the mentality of Turkish men

How to please a Turkish man?

Located at the crossroads of Western and Eastern civilizations, Turkey is a unique country. Here you can meet people with both modern views on life and supporters of the patriarchal Islamic tradition.

Residents of big cities practically do not differ from Europeans, except that they celebrate other holidays. But in the countryside, there are mostly conservatives who have lingered in the past. Therefore, if you start a relationship, then only with the townspeople, no provincials.

But even modern and progressive Turks still have stereotypes about the appearance of girls. Do not dress too vulgar and defiantly, wear short skirts and a deep neckline.

Of course, this does not apply to the beach – open swimsuits have long become the norm in Turkey, but otherwise you need to follow certain standards of decency.

And most importantly, when starting a relationship, try to understand as quickly as possible what your new friend’s true intentions are. After all, the Turks often simply hide behind serious intentions.

Turkish men in relationships with women

Turks are masters of telling girls “fairy tales”. From the very first date, your gentleman will begin to shower with compliments, promise mountains of gold, heavenly life and unearthly love.

But you shouldn’t take beautiful speeches at face value. This behavior can be called a national characteristic of Turkish men. Therefore, this is how they behave with all the women they meet.

When you start dating a guy, try to objectively assess his standard of living, professional prospects and intentions. If he is not rich and has no special prospects, then by marrying him, you risk living with your parents.

The gap in living standards in Turkey is quite serious. But all Turks, even the poorest, try their best to impress and appear richer than they really are.

Another feature is appearance. Southern men grow up quickly in appearance and usually look older than their years. A high school student may look like a university graduate, and a student as a completely adult, accomplished person.

Some people use this when meeting foreign women, so you should also take a closer look at the real age of a new acquaintance.

As in all Muslim countries, Turkey is the main man in relationships. True, the customs here are much softer, so you can not be afraid of wearing the burqa, but you will definitely visit public events and institutions together.

A woman can go shopping alone and some other household chores. But everything that concerns entertainment, she is accompanied by a man – a groom, a husband. And if a woman is lonely, then a brother or a father. Therefore, the habit of free time and leisure will have to be abandoned.

A little about jealousy

Separately, it should be said about jealousy, which is characteristic of all Turks, especially young ones. Their culture is based on domination over a woman and complete possession of her.

Therefore, jealousy and the desire to know about every step of his chosen one is caused rather by possessive feelings than by fear of competition and serious suspicions of treason.

If you do not attach importance to his desire to know where you have been and where you are going, and also not to flirt with other men, even in jest, then in general the relationship will be calm.

Turkish family

The best option is a successful man who lives separately from his parents and is able to provide for his family. It is sometimes very difficult for Russian girls to find a common language with Turkish relatives. Unmarried sisters, brothers and their wives with children usually live in the father’s house.

Turkish women, restrained in dealing with men, arrange real Latin American passions among themselves. They can easily survive a foreign woman they don’t like from home.

It is also important to take into account the tradition of polygamy, which many Turks reject. In no case do not mess with a married man who promises you a beautiful life, legal marriage and a real family. These words in Turkey mean the maintenance of a woman and children, and not the entry into a legal relationship.

Turks try to avoid divorce. According to the laws of this country, he must pay alimony not only for children, but also for his wife if she does not work. And Turkish women do not like to work. Therefore, men try to preserve the marriage.

For a lover from Russia, a wealthy Turk can be very generous and even buy her an apartment in a good area of ​​his city. But the relationship will be a guest. He will come from time to time to satisfy romantic and carnal impulses.

Marry a Turk: the mentality of Turkish men

There is no question of material support. The man takes care of everything, so many girls are satisfied with such a relationship.

Family traditions

In a legal relationship, the husband is the breadwinner, protector and head of the family in the most real sense. In Turkey, it is customary to help relatives financially, so part of the income will go away from the family.

Family and relatives play a big role in the lives of even the most liberal Turkish men. But this also has a positive side – they are great fathers, especially for daughters.

In Russia, boys usually get closer to their father, and girls to their mother. In Turkey, the opposite is true. Here men simply adore daughters, and women adore sons. In cases of divorce, the law usually takes the woman’s side. If the ex-husband can prove her immoral and unworthy behavior, then the victory will remain with him.

But even if you divorced and left for another country, your husband will help the family financially. Due to strong family traditions, it is considered a great shame for a man to abandon children.


In this video, additional information – tips for girls on the topic “Marry a Turk”

Marry a Turk. Pros and cons! – All will be kind. Edition 900 of 20.10.16/XNUMX/XNUMX

Friends, leave feedback and advice from personal experience in the comments on how to marry a Turk. 🙂 Until next time on this site!


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