Marry a rich man: girls, take off your rose-colored glasses!

Marry a rich man: girls, take off your rose-colored glasses!

😉 Gentlemen, today is a topic for girls who dream of marrying a rich man. Not finding your love, not creating a happy family, not meeting your ideal man, namely getting married.

Naturally, for the sake of money, which, accordingly, the chosen one should have a decent amount. For such girls, the search for prospective chosen ones becomes the meaning of life. They have only one goal: a wealthy husband.

How to marry an oligarch

Most girls think that after the wedding a fairy tale will begin, they will be presented with gifts and allowed to do whatever. However, family life does not imply day-to-day celebrations. Everyday life comes, in which two people, busy with business, loving each other, find happy moments.

And what is left for families in which there is no love? Only problems. Because of the maniacal desire to receive the spouse’s money, the girls forget about it. But the material condition can change any day.

There is a crisis in the country, the situation is unstable. Constantly someone is imprisoned, others are killed, and still others, to pay off their debts, stay at work until late at night.

Marry a rich man: girls, take off your rose-colored glasses!

But more sophisticated young ladies want not only a rich husband, but also a young one! Only one type of men is suitable for such requirements: those who received money easily. For example, their parents. Or they did not earn their capital in the most honest way.

He has money, yes. Now. And what will happen tomorrow? Tomorrow could be anything, for example, huge debts instead of huge capital.

Often girls, for whom wealth comes first, forget that young oligarchs are spoiled by female attention to their person. Naturally, they believe that there will always be a girl who is ready to throw herself under him – he just needs to call.

It is logical that his attitude towards the female sex will be extremely disrespectful. And his future wife is unlikely to be an exception. So couples are born, where wives have to endure insults, humiliation, and sometimes even beatings.

In such families, it is considered normal to cheat on his wife: because of his money, she will endure everything. In fact, girls simply sell themselves, calling it marriage, although it should be called a kind of prostitution. But more often women who dream of a wealthy spouse have to put up with the role of mistresses.

The mistake of girls is not that they want to live beautifully, but that they think to be happy with their spouse’s money. But sometimes in marriages of convenience, insults, humiliations and reproaches flourish.

Last question:

Why would you marry a rich man? Why do you need a wealthy, successful, developing, without bad habits, man? What is special about you?

Or maybe you need a man with good qualities, who is just about to become outstanding, thanks to your ability to see his strengths? And will you inspire him?

Happiness begins with love, and finances only increase it. Therefore, the search for a life partner should start with your own feelings. And pay attention not to the material condition of the chosen one, but to his potential.

In history, there are cases when, on the contrary, for the sake of love they renounced great wealth and even the throne. We conclude: you can only marry a rich man for love. Go for it and be happy!

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