
Over the past hundred years, under the influence of the ideas of individualism, humanity has ceased to think of itself as a social (or, if you are not embarrassed in expressions, herd) species. And yet the truth is that so many things we do, not because of our inclinations or needs, but because other people do it.

Over the past hundred years, under the influence of the ideas of individualism, humanity has ceased to think of itself as a social (or, if you are not embarrassed in expressions, herd) species. And yet the truth is that so many things we do, not because of our inclinations or needs, but because other people do it. The book by marketer and social media specialist Mark Earls is an attempt to comprehend the role that our «herd» instincts play in the life of modern society. Earls’ bright and provocative work makes you think and re-analyze your habits and mannerisms, consumer preferences and decision-making methods. And it is very possible that, according to the results of this analysis, the rude and politically incorrect word “herd” on the cover will cause us somewhat less indignation and resentment than at first.

Eksmo, 432 p.

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