Ramson is a herb that tastes like garlic. Used to prepare various dishes. It is also pickled, salted, sourdough is made from leaves and stems. There are so many different recipes that even gourmets will like. In the article we will tell you how to preserve wild garlic at home.
Classic pickled wild garlic recipe
Pickled wild garlic is a fairly popular preparation, which is closed for the winter by many housewives. The classic recipe for this dish does not involve the use of additional components other than the main one. To pickle this plant, you will need:
- 2 kg of the main ingredient;
- 1,5 L of water;
- 40 g salt;
- a spoonful of vinegar.
Now consider the procedure for preparing pickled wild garlic leaves:
- Wash the leaves of the plant thoroughly under running water. Make sure that no dirt or foreign objects remain on them.
- Sterilize jars in advance so as not to spend extra time on this during the cooking process.
- You can pickle whole leaves, or you can dry and cut them if you wish.
- Now boil the water and add the measured 40 g of salt there. Mix well and add plant leaves.
- Boil this mass for a few minutes, and then place the leaves in jars.
- In the remaining brine, pour the last ingredient – vinegar. After that, you need to stir the brew and immediately pour it into jars of herbs while the broth is still boiling.
- Jars must be properly rolled up and left until the canned wild garlic has cooled.
Video: “Marinated wild garlic”
From this video you will learn how to pickle wild garlic.
In addition to preservation, you can also make a sourdough starter from this product. You can prepare pickled leaves and stems of the plant separately, as they have a different taste. In this section, we will talk about what kind of sourdough recipes exist, and how to properly prepare these dishes.
pickled leaves
First, let’s talk about pickled leaves, since most people consider them as the main ingredient that can be obtained from wild garlic. This recipe is very simple, requires few ingredients and takes very little time to prepare. So, for cooking you will need:
- 1 kg of leaves;
- 20 g salt.
How to prepare sourdough:
- Rinse the leaves, even several times, to finally make sure that they are clean.
- Dry them and cut into small pieces.
- Fold the resulting mass into a saucepan, in which our sourdough will be prepared.
- Sprinkle salt on top and knead well with your hands. Spare no effort: it is necessary that juice stand out from the leaves.
- Cover the resulting mass with a plate and press something heavy on top (even a heavy jar is perfect). It is necessary that the leaves are completely immersed in the juice, and properly soaked with it. If not enough juice comes out, just add some clean water to raise the liquid level.
- Let the leaves sit overnight.
- Take them out in the morning and put them in a large jar. Press something heavy on top again.
- Cover the jar, leave in the refrigerator for 14 days.
- Do not forget to pierce the leaves with a needle every day, releasing accumulated gases.
- Arrange in small jars and close them with plastic lids.
- The product will be usable within two weeks after opening the jars.
Stem Appetizer
You can also use leftover stalks to make a delicious starter.
You will need:
- 1 kg of stems;
- 1–2 Art. l. salt;
- 1 Art. liter. sugar;
- 1 L of water.
How to cook:
- Rinse the stalks very thoroughly under cold water.
- Boil the brine separately. Boil the water, and throw in the same salt and sugar. Do not stop the process for a few more minutes after the sugar and salt have completely dissolved. Remove the saucepan from the stove and let your broth cool down.
- The stems must be folded into a saucepan, and freshly prepared brine is poured on top.
- Cover with a plate and press it with something heavy so that the stems are immersed in the brine.
- Place the mass for 14 days in a pantry or any other cool place. Every day, skim the resulting foam and pierce the stems, getting rid of gases.
- Take the stalks out of the refrigerator, put them in jars and add the brine to them.
Salted wild garlic without brine
Many are also interested in the question of how to pickle wild garlic for the winter. Salting wild garlic for the winter in jars is not difficult, and absolutely any housewife can handle it. To prepare this salty dish you will need:
- 1 kg of plants;
- 2 st. l. rock salt.
The step-by-step process is as follows:
- Rinse the plants thoroughly under running water, making sure that no particles of earth remain on it.
- You can crush the greens if you like. You can also skip this item.
- Pour salt, stir and remember well with your hands.
- Spread the resulting mass in jars and close them with lids.
- After 10 days, the wild garlic will be properly saturated and will be suitable for consumption. In general, this product has a shelf life of 1 year, so it is not necessary to consume it immediately.
Gourmet Recipes
In addition to the usual recipes, there are also a number of dishes that will appeal to cooks who want to try something unusual. Now we will look at four unusual ways of preserving wild garlic.
Cheremsha more Korean
This dish has a very spicy taste that will appeal to lovers of the exotic. To make this dish, you will need:
- several bunches of wild garlic;
- 1 carrots;
- seasoning more Korean;
- 1 tsp Sahara;
- 0,5 tsp. salts;
- 4 Art. l. vegetable oils;
- 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar.
The procedure is as follows:
- Prepare the wild garlic.
- Drain the boiling water and place the plants in a deep bowl.
- Cut the carrots into strips and add to the wild garlic.
- Mix sugar, vinegar, seasoning and salt. Then pour the resulting mixture into the salad.
- Add oils and stir.
- Arrange in jars, wait a couple of hours and eat.
With lard
Of course, lard cannot be preserved with this plant, but you can make a delicious snack. To prepare this dish, you will need:
- 0,2 kg of fat;
- 0,1 kg of cherries;
- salt, pepper, spices.
- Salo and wild garlic are passed through a meat grinder, and then mixed.
- Add additional ingredients (optional).
- Place the mixture in a jar and refrigerate.
in tomato sauce
Tomato sauce or tomato paste will perfectly complement the taste of wild garlic. You will need:
- 2 kg of cherries;
- 0,2 kg of tomato paste;
- 4 Art. l salts;
- 2 Art. liter. sugar;
- 2-3 bay leaves;
- 0,8 L of water;
- black pepper.
Now for the cooking:
- Prepare wild garlic and place in separate jars.
- Boil water in a small saucepan and throw in all the remaining ingredients.
- The resulting brine is poured into jars.
- Close the jars, turn them over and cover with something.
With ginger and celery
This is a rather exotic dish for us, which, however, is not difficult to prepare.
You will need:
- 150 g wild garlic bulbs;
- 100 g white wine sauce;
- 1 st. l. mustard seeds;
- 0,5 tsp dried celery;
- 0,5 cm grated ginger root;
- 2 Art. liter. sugar;
- 1 Art. l salt.
Cooking process:
- Clean the wild garlic bulbs from excess elements and wash well.
- Separately, cook the marinade: boil some water and throw the remaining ingredients there. Boil 5 minutes.
- Place the bulbs in a jar and pour in the marinade.
- Roll up the cans.
We have described the main recipes for wild garlic preserves and snacks, so choose your favorite recipe and go for it!
Author: Svetlana Golitsina