
Marina Konstantinovna Smirnova is a professional psychologist, a consultant on business, personal, family and parent-child issues, a certified Syntone trainer, a certified Ericksonian hypnosis trainer. Author and presenter of trainings for parents and couples, professional coach.

Wife N.I. Kozlov.

The first higher education is philological, the second is psychological. Over 20 years of experience in the training field. Together with N.I. Kozlov leads the training «Personal life» in Sinton.

Leader of the Distance​​​​​​​​ — systems of independent work on the planned development of the personality. Provides family and personal counseling.

Marina Konstantinovna can be contacted by writing to [email protected]

​About me

The projects that you lead are very different thematically — how do you manage to combine them?

It just seems that «Distance», «Parents and Children» and «Personal Life» are completely different. This is all our life. “Distance” is life in general, and other projects are just a separate direction of it. They are all closely related. They reinforce each other.

With the «Distance» I became related in the classroom with Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov. My whole life is filled with it. We can say that every day I go through the «Distance» with Nikolai Ivanovich, and he — with me. “Distance” for me is no longer just a training or a learning system, it is a way of thinking, a way of life.

As for parenting experience, I have three children of my own, other children became mine when I worked with them at school. The experience is rich and unforgettable, which I really want to share. If you have children, you always think and take care of them. Therefore, Nikolai Ivanovich and I are thinking about how to raise smart, healthy, independent and happy children every day.

Why are you training?

All my life I have accumulated knowledge about the family, about communication, about relationships between people, and I have always been a little sad to have them for myself alone. There is a desire to leave something significant behind, and material wealth is a transient thing. I want to make the life of the next generations easier, more interesting, better, more useful — qualitatively different. On the one hand, I understand that you can’t lay straws, on the other hand, I want my own search and accumulated experience to be not in vain. And if it is interesting to someone and it is useful to someone, then I am always ready to share it.

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