How to learn to relate to life’s trials calmly, without drama? Documentary filmmaker Marina Razbezhkina talks about Chinese wisdom, which taught her to draw drive from obstacles.
“In my youth, I read that emaciated travelers who climbed to the top in Tibet saw these words carved on a rock. The phrase made a strong impression. It is still important to me, but the meaning has become calmer, without a call to action. The realization came that obstacles are part of life and we need to somehow overcome them, overcome them … The test was for me to move from Kazan to Moscow, associated with directing classes, I was already about fifty. In the morning I left the house of acquaintances with a toothbrush in my bag, not knowing where I would spend the night. Finding yourself in the capital without an apartment, without support, is probably a drama for someone. And for me, this was some kind of strange drive. Throughout the second half of my life, I calmly, rationally treat any problem, it does not become scary for me, let alone killing.