
Marina Aromshtam, the author of two excellent children’s books and winner of the Cherished Dream children’s literary award, wrote her first novel for adults, a novel about love, about the loss of innocence in every sense of the word.

Marina Aromshtam, the author of two excellent children’s books and winner of the Cherished Dream children’s literary award, wrote her first novel for adults, a novel about love, about the loss of innocence in every sense of the word. The good girl Asya, whose youth fell on the so-called time of stagnation, came up with a “special female feat” for herself in order to break the family scenario and “pay off with Fate” for her grandmother, who betrayed her grandfather, for her mother, who did not follow her father to the North. A wonderful historical myth called “the wife of the Decembrist” breaks the fate of the characters almost irrevocably, and the price that Asya paid is exorbitantly high, getting rid of this myth in order to finally begin to love and feel with all her heart, soul and body. It is quite obvious that Asya is the heroine of her time, whose signs are so accurately and mercilessly captured by the author’s memory. And that is precisely why The Decembrist’s Wife is a kind of monument to an era that, one would hope, is gone forever.

Compass guide, 256 p.

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