Marigolds Mimimix

For most people living on the territory of land, marigolds grow in flower beds. Most likely, few people know that these beloved flowers came to us from America. In some regions of Our Country and Ukraine, marigolds are better known as Chernobrivtsy.

Marigolds Mimimix

In this article we will talk about the features of growing mimic marigolds. I would immediately like to note that these flowers are unpretentious, so even a beginner grower will cope with their cultivation.


In Latin, marigolds sound like Tagetes. They belong to the Compositae or Astrov family. They are annual and perennial. In America, marigolds are wild plants, growing from New Mexico to Argentina.

The stems are branched, erect, from which a compact or sprawling bush is formed. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, varies from 20 to 120 cm. All types of marigolds have a fibrous root system.

Marigolds Mimimix

The leaves may also differ depending on the variety. They are pinnatipartite or pinnately dissected. Some varieties have entire or toothed leaves. The color of the leaves varies depending on the variety – from light to dark green.

Inflorescences form baskets, which can be simple or terry. The characteristic color palette of all varieties ranges from yellow to orange, from orange to brown. Many gardeners fell in love with marigolds because they have a long flowering period – from June to frost.

Seeds are dark brown or black in color and remain viable for 3-4 years. There are approximately 280-700 seeds in one gram. The aroma of plants is quite specific, some people do not like it, it resembles the smell of asters.

Features of the variety

The marigold variety Mimimix blooms throughout the warm season until the first frost. Mimimix is ​​most often used for decorating borders. The bushes are compact and dense, as evidenced by the very name of the variety. Mimimix marigold bush is completely covered with miniature inflorescences.

Mimimix marigolds have thin, graceful leaves. The aroma of flowers is very gentle and pleasant. The height of the branching bushes can reach up to 40 cm. Inflorescences are 2 cm in diameter, they are red, yellow and orange. Mimimix marigold bushes form about 2 months after sowing, after which they begin to bloom.

Marigolds Mimimix

Varieties of marigold mimics:

  • Bordeaux.
  • Orange.
  • Ed.
  • Yellow.
Advice! If you decide to grow several varieties of marigolds in a flower bed or plot, then sow upright varieties 2-3 weeks earlier than small-leaved and undersized ones. In this case, all plants will begin to bloom at the same time.

Cultivation from seeds

Although growing marigolds is not particularly difficult, it is still important to take into account some features for the success of this business:

  • Inflorescences do not develop well in partial shade, so it is better to plant plants on the sunny side of the site.
  • The soil should be with a slightly acidic or neutral pH.
  • Mimimix marigolds are drought tolerant.
  • Plants are thermophilic, die at the first frost.

Marigolds Mimimix

Attention! Mimimix marigolds can be transplanted during the summer. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to replace dead bushes with healthy ones.

Preparing seeds for sowing

To improve the germination of seeds, they should be germinated before sowing. To do this, spread the seeds on a moistened cloth and place in a cellophane bag. Such seeds are stored in a warm place. Sprouts will appear in 3 days.

Collecting seeds for sowing can be done independently. Seeds should remain on the bushes until they are completely dry. Then the seeds should be removed from them, and then they are thoroughly dried. Seeds are best stored in paper bags.

Marigolds Mimimix

Warning! Most varieties of marigolds are hybrids. Therefore, varietal characteristics may be lost during self-preparation of seeds for sowing. In view of this, it is better to buy fresh seeds.

Landing in open ground

If you decide to sow seeds in open ground, then make wide holes. There should be 15 mm between the seeds so that the plants do not grow too densely, do not stretch and, as a result, do not rot. Seeds should be sprinkled with a small layer of earth and carefully poured with water. Follow a moderate irrigation regime until shoots appear. As soon as two or three leaves appear, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation if you did not plant the flowers in a flower bed. Plant bushes at intervals of approximately 150–200 mm. The depth of penetration of the roots of the bushes is approximately 5 cm.

Marigolds Mimimix

The rule applies to marigolds: “The sooner you plant them, the faster you can enjoy their flowering.” Mimimix marigold seeds can be sown for seedlings in early spring, but this implies that it must be stored in a warm, well-lit and ventilated area. Planting seedlings in open ground can be carried out no earlier than in May. However, the seedlings must first be taken out into the open air during the day so that they get used to the new conditions. At night, seedlings should be brought back into the room. After 7 days after hardening, they can be sent to open ground.

Under the preparation of the soil means the introduction of sand, peat, humus and sod in a ratio of 0,5: 1: 1: 1. To prevent the death of marigolds due to black leg damage, provide drainage to the flowers. You can make it with the help of a three-centimeter layer of crushed stone, sand and expanded clay. Before planting, you can add organic matter to the soil. Do not use fresh manure for this. If, after planting seedlings, the hydrometeorological center transmits frosts, then in order to preserve the marigolds, cover them with a film.

Features of growing in the Siberian climate

If you live in a cold region of Our Country, then the seedling method should be used for planting marigolds. The period of planting marigolds in Siberia depends on weather conditions. Sowing seeds is carried out in early March or mid-April. To ensure early flowering, seeds of marigolds of all types, including mimics, are sown in winter. However, for this you need to organize additional lighting and the temperature necessary for the development of healthy seedlings.

Stages of disembarkation

So, in order to successfully grow mimic marigold seeds in Siberia, it is important to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Soil preparation. The composition of loose soil in which marigold bushes will develop well should include humus, peat, turf and some sand. In addition, it would be nice to decontaminate the soil. To do this, many experienced flower growers use a medium-strong or fungicidal solution of manganese.
  2. Container preparation. To provide the plants with good drainage, expanded clay, crushed stone and sand are poured to the bottom of the container to a thickness of 3 cm, after which the container is covered with prepared soil.
  3. Sowing is carried out by digging long holes. The seeds are placed at a distance from each other equal to 2 cm. The seeds are sprinkled with earth no thicker than 1 cm.
  4. Watering is carried out so as not to wash the seeds to the surface of the soil. It is better to use a spray gun for these purposes.
  5. If before sowing seeds, you decide to germinate them, then use the recommendations previously outlined in this article.

Marigolds Mimimix

After the seedlings germinate and give 3 mature leaves, they need to be transplanted into separate cups. So, the plants will have enough strength to develop a healthy root system, in addition, they will not stretch.

2-3 weeks after planting in cups, marigold roots will occupy all their space. In this case, they need to be transplanted into open ground, but on the condition that it is already warm enough outside and frosts are not expected.

Dwarf marigolds, which mimics are, are planted at a distance of about 20 cm from each other. After transplantation, they need to be watered abundantly and often, which will allow the plants to form a strong root system and large inflorescences.

Watering should be reduced by 2 times after the first inflorescences appear. Around the stems, you need to weed the soil and carry out its fluffing, then the plants will bloom profusely and for a long time.


Mimimix marigolds look very beautiful on the balconies and windows of houses, as they are elegant and delicate. To care for such a flower bed should be the same as for flowers planted in the garden, in the front garden or garden.

We also invite you to watch a video on growing marigolds:

Growing seedlings of VELVETS, velvet from seeds

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