Marie Claire and Pierre Ducan announce a competition

Its winners will have the opportunity to meet the famous nutritionist Pierre Dukan.

Participants need to come up with questions that they would like to ask the doctor and send them to with the note “Competition with Ducan”. Authors of the most interesting questions will have the opportunity to meet with a nutritionist in person at a dinner at Moscow’s Barlotti restaurant.

The competition will last until March 15, and on the 17th, the winners will meet with the weight loss guru.

We will remind, the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan became known all over the world thanks to the book “I do not know how to lose weight.” In it, he described in detail a diet consisting mainly of proteins and vegetables.

His methodology is based on four stages. The two initial ones – “attack” and “alternation” – are aimed at losing extra pounds, and the next two are to consolidate and stabilize the achieved desired weight. During your diet, it is important to follow a list of 100 allowed foods that you can eat before you feel full.

The Ducan diet has received overwhelming success among women.

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