
All people are really different. Accepting this simple truth makes life much easier and helps avoid unnecessary confrontation.

This phrase is «no one’s». My friend says it often and with meaning. But this simple phrase helps me to accept the actions of the people around me and understand the motives that drive them. And this saves from unnecessary confrontation, when dialogue is inappropriate or simply impossible. We are born in families with different cultural backgrounds, we read different books, we grow up in different conditions. Everyone has their own passions and habits. Many of us are simply unable to hear arguments that contradict their picture of the world. “All people are different” — understanding this, you can learn to put yourself in the place of another, even if it is your opponent. You can learn to “read” the state of mind of the interlocutor, understand what language to speak with him, what arguments to use in a dispute, and whether it is worth arguing with this person at all. For me, as a journalist, this is one of the most important skills in the profession. And yet — a pragmatic attitude that helps to live.

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