Maria Montessori’s upbringing rules

What was taught to parents by a woman whose method of child development has not lost its relevance for more than a century.

Sometimes a few wise words are enough to turn everything in a person’s soul. I read them – and how it shocked me: why didn’t I think of this myself, it’s so simple! Just like in “Sherlock”, when after the explanations of the detective everything becomes crystal clear and understandable.

These obvious, but no less important commandments include the golden rules of the Italian teacher Maria Montessori. She devoted her whole life to working with children. And she started with teaching children with intellectual disabilities. In those days – the end of the century before last – such children were not taken care of at all. And then it turned out that kids with disabilities, who were taught in the Montessori system, write better than healthy children. Maria was horrified then. After all, this meant that healthy children are being developed very badly. What results they could show if they were engaged in the same way as she was busy with her charges! Apparently, therefore, her method, which is more than a hundred years old, is considered one of the most popular in the world – Maria Montessori was rooting for her work with her soul.

By the way, the famous teacher was not involved in raising her own child. Maria had a relationship with a fellow scientist. But they were not going to formalize their relationship officially. Even the birth of a child did not affect their decision. As a result, Montessori gave the baby to the distant relatives of her lover to be raised. However, her educational method does not get any worse from this.

The editorial staff of has chosen the most, in our opinion, the most important and relevant rules even in the modern world. If you reread them regularly and – most importantly! – apply, your relationship with children will change for the better.

  1. Do not criticize, do not speak ill of him. Neither with him, nor without him. Otherwise, he will decide that it is the norm to judge others.
  2. Praise your child. He will learn to appreciate his own and others’ work.
  3. Don’t be hostile. Neither to the child, nor in his presence. Otherwise, he will learn to fight and become aggressive.
  4. Be honest with your child. Then he will grow up fair.
  5. The child must live with a sense of security. Then he will learn to believe.

Montessori rules improve both children and parents

6. Do not make fun of the child, do not create complexes in him.

7. Do not dishonor the child, do not awaken in him an eternal feeling of guilt.

8. Support and approve of the child. Then he will learn to treat himself well.

9. Be condescending and he will learn understanding and patience from you. He learns to be patient.

10. Encourage him, he will gain self-confidence.

11. Do not speak ill of the child either with him or without him.

12. Develop everything that is good in him. There will be no room for the bad.

13. Listen to your child. And always answer him.

14. Respect your child. He has the right to make mistakes and should have a chance to correct them.

15. Respect his right to rest or time to think.

16. Help your child find himself, believe in himself. And find the strength to step aside so that he can show independence.

17. Encourage his desire to develop. Each new day is a chance to learn something.

18. You are a prime example for your child. Only show your good side to him.

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