“If I had been told a couple of years ago that I would go to the dacha to the beds, I would have laughed, because as a child, as a city girl, I did not understand the meaning of all this,” says the actress.
11August 5 2020
– The story with the vegetable garden developed gradually and began with my interest in the immune system. I talked with many scientists, doctors, leading specialists in this field and realized for myself that we are what we eat, drink, what we breathe. In other words, how you feel about your body, so he will answer you. Plus, at about the same time, the middle son (Ivan is 6 years old, Maxim is 5 years old, Vasily is 3 years old. – Approx. “Antennas”) started an allergy to tomatoes. Moreover, the analyzes did not show it, and visually the manifestations were the strongest, noticeable with the naked eye. Whatever varieties I bought, be it red, burgundy, yellow, small or large, from the store or from the market, he ate – and instantly began to blush.
Then my mother’s sister Aunt Larisa, and she is a noble gardener, advised to plant her tomatoes on the site. We did so, and Maxim planted them himself. In this regard, we have him, as they say, a guy from the plow, handy. The harvest is so huge that you can go out to the market and sell it yourself! Maxim ate tomatoes just from a bush in unlimited quantities – and no allergic reactions to any species, and we planted about twenty of them. This was the first call, after which the vegetable garden began to expand.
If a couple of years ago they had told me that I would go to the dacha to the beds, I would have laughed, because as a child, as a city girl who grew up in Moscow, she did not understand the meaning of all this. She was far from the garden and was not even interested in him, so now in her adult life she comprehended everything by trial and error.
When the first crop of tomatoes grew, we bought greenhouses and began to plant other vegetables, berries, and herbs. It was lucky that in my environment there were already people with experience who helped with advice. It seems to me that you should always start with something simple, not exotic. Now, fortunately, there is the Internet and many specialized sites where you can get useful information, plus literature.
What I learned: the most important thing is the land, it needs to be renewed in time to be fertile. This year we did not have time to shift the soil, our hands did not reach, and thirty percent of the cucumbers did not rise. And last year they were great, so small, with pimples, crunchy. I like to lightly salt them for one day, it turns out very tasty.
The second important factor in your garden is environmental friendliness. Buying even expensive apples or other fruits in the store, sometimes, when you wash them, you still feel that something remains on them, some kind of chemistry with which they are processed. Therefore, everything is natural on my site. Better to grow smaller, but only in a natural way.
So we don’t process the plants from the bugs, we use nettles from our dacha as top dressing, and in the fall – fertilizer from chickens. We brought them so that the eggs would be homemade. Chickens rush well, we give them fresh food, not only compound feed, so that they are healthy. And in return we get eggs, the taste of which is very different from the purchased ones. Just heaven and earth!
Denis Shabanov. Producer: Maria Katkova
Every year my garden grows. Raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries were planted in the spring, there is everything on the site that gives vitamins. We began to actively grow flowers, because there are thoughts about making our own honey, getting bees. Our close friends Ladlena and Slava Fetisovs (the athlete is the godfather of Maria’s eldest son Ivan, and his wife is the godmother Maxim… – Approx. “Antennas”) there is an apiary and such delicious honey, I have never eaten anything like this in 35 years!
If last year I planted tomatoes with Maxim, then this year Vanya has already joined. Together we cultivate the land, water it, take care of it. It is important for me that my sons understand how all the processes take place, that vegetables do not grow in stores, a huge amount of work is invested in each one. I would like to show them this, teach them to see with their own eyes and appreciate everything that falls on the table.
In principle, I am of the opinion that boys should not be given fish, but a fishing rod, as it was in the past, when men got food, because they should be able to do this, and not only earn money in the future. This year we fish a lot, our sons are taught by dad and grandfather.
Of course, working with the earth brings me pleasure, plus it is a form of physical activity. But I will not dissemble, in the evening sometimes my back aches. I am a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, and my back is my weak spot. When you stand for a day, you take care of all the plantings, this affects your well-being. But all the same, when you see how everything planted by you has sprung up, that you can not wash the strawberries, but simply pick and eat, this satisfaction outweighs any fatigue.
Of course, I have an assistant who watches over everything when I’m not at the dacha, because we don’t live here all the time. If I am absent, he sends photos, asks what, when and how to do it.
We still continue to buy some products until we can fully provide ourselves. But in the future I have a goal to make greenhouses that could provide us with fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. Sometimes they come across delicious on the market, but yours are still better, because you raised them with your own hands and with love.
I am not the gardener who lives on this business, but I understand why I need all this: so that the children and all family members are healthy. The only thing that will save us in such a difficult time is immunity, and they need to be dealt with.
I temper my sons, and I myself, together with my husband and mother, drink chaga (a black birch mushroom that grows on trees and is used in folk medicine. – Approx. “Antennas”), I just add it to the tea. We often do not use what is growing under our feet or, as in the case of chaga, above us, we do not appreciate what we have, but in fact there is no better immune means than natural ones.
When you think about your health, your body, it responds to you with gratitude, there is no other way. Our family has our own usual diet. For example, we most often eat turkey from meat; as a side dish, not rice, potatoes or pasta, but greens or vegetables. I really love watercress, it gives youth, we plant it all the time. In principle, not a day goes by for me without greens, and I add it to my sons everywhere – in soup, in scrambled eggs, in every dish, maybe not in porridge. We need to accustom ourselves to greenery, we need it like water. By the way, we drink it exclusively at home, juices and compotes are extremely rare.
I have ordinary children, not some geeks who, at their five, four and three years old, understand that you need to eat exceptionally well. Of course, we go to birthday parties, where there is not only bitter chocolate, like at home, fries, they see it all, eat it, and I do not interfere. There is no need to create some kind of rigid system of prohibitions. In this regard, I learned from my experience since the days of rhythmic gymnastics, when buns were strictly forbidden to me. I did not have excess weight, but there was a setting that if I eat a bun, then it will be!
For a long time already I can eat what I want, however, all our complexes from childhood remain with us, therefore, when I see pastries, at a subconscious level, the desire to eat them turns on, because I am simply afraid that I will no longer have such an opportunity. But I may not even be hungry at that moment! Having passed this stage, I try to minimize the risks for my children. At home, they eat healthy food, but when they come to visit, there are no prohibitions.