The star nutritionist who helped Nikolai Baskov, Nadezhda Babkina, Valeria, Joseph Prigogine and other show business stars lose weight, spoke about the main principles of weight loss during a webinar on the Woman’s Day website.
Margarita Koroleva helped thousands of women and men lose weight. The star nutritionist has written several books and created a special diary for losing weight. At the webinar, Margarita talked about how to quit smoking if you are losing weight, how to help your intestines to normalize their work without laxatives, and what to do if you feel hungry. The quality of life depends on ourselves, – says the star nutritionist.
1. Keep a food diary
The dietitian invites those wishing to lose weight to keep a food diary. If you start to write down all the foods that lie in front of you on the table, you will clearly understand their calorie content and how much you need to eat it all. After reading how you consume food and in what quantity, you may immediately understand the problem of why the extra pounds do not go away.
2. Check the thyroid gland
Before you start losing weight, make sure that your hormones are in order. See your doctor and get a biochemical test.
3. Eat right …
Do not forget about breakfast, lunch and dinner, do not overload yourself with food at 10-11 pm. After all, skipping breakfast, we program the body to gain body weight.
4. … and fractional
Each meal is a waste of energy, so you need to thoroughly chew, digest and assimilate food. Fasting puts stress on the stomach, so it begins to “defend itself”. When you are hungry, you can lose weight due to a decrease in muscle mass and a lack of water, rather than a loss of body fat. You need to eat every 2-2,5 hours in small portions, but until 7 pm.
5. Adjust portions
The volume of all meals should be no more than a glass of 300 ml.
6. Have a snack
Snacks should be during the day, between meals. Prepare and take with you two sliced fruits – an apple and a grapefruit, vegetables or, for example, a handful of dried fruits.
7. Choose white and green vegetables
Give preference to green and white vegetables: they are full of fiber. This is the prevention of oncological diseases, the reason for the flawless work of the intestines and the increase in immunity. 70% of immunity depends on the work of the digestive system.
8. Don’t eat after 7 pm
Otherwise, you will gain weight. Try to divide your day into 4 meals, but have time to eat everything before 7. When you come home, drink a glass of water and do not go into the kitchen so as not to tempt yourself. If you still want to eat, suck a teaspoon of honey: often the feeling of thirst gives itself away as hunger.
9. But if you are experiencing a strong voice, do not tolerate
Pour yourself a glass of kefir and eat it with a teaspoon! In half a glass, you will realize that you are already full. The slower we eat, the faster we get full.
10. Go to bed on time
Try to go to bed no later than 11pm. It is at this time that a hormone begins to work, which helps to replenish vital resources.
11. Adjust your nutrition to your rhythm of life
When you come home from work, you need to replenish your strength. When you wake up at 2 to 3 o’clock in the afternoon, give preference to foods with long carbohydrates and protein. For example, an omelet with vegetables or cottage cheese with fruits. You should still get a lot of energy before 7 p.m., so try to spread out 2 more meals during this time. Eat chicken breast with lettuce at 9-10 p.m. to keep you full. Eat whole-grain avocado toast at night to help you get long carbs and help boost performance and relieve weakness. Green tea also stimulates recovery.
12. Have a feast for the belly
You can arrange a fasting day for yourself. Every woman has her favorite unhealthy foods that delight her and save her from sadness and fatigue. They can remain in your life, but it is worth limiting yourself in their consumption. Write a schedule of “rewards” in your diary: Treat yourself to a favorite product twice a week that you can afford in small amounts in the morning. Reward yourself for exercising. Never scold yourself, even if you broke loose and ate a lot of your favorite harm.
13. Give up laxatives
There is no need to use laxatives: the body begins to get used to it and stops working on its own. Learn to eat fractionally and thus stimulate the intestines to work harder. Eat fruit with the skin, because it contains a lot of healthy fibers that are filled with fiber. Drink two glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach.
Another recipe: Take 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds and pour hot water into a glass. Leave the drink to infuse overnight, and in the morning strain and drink the composition. It will gently pass through the digestive system and regulate the bowels.
There is also a salad with the unusual name “Brush”. Grate beets, carrots and white cabbage in equal proportions and mix with herbs, seasoning with olive oil. “Brush” perfectly stimulates the intestines.
14. Drink water
For the nutrition program, water is the main thing. It happens that during a diet you stop losing kilograms, this is due to the fact that you stop drinking water regularly. The body needs 2,5-3 liters of water per day, or you can calculate an individual amount for yourself: for every 450 grams of weight, 17 ml of water. You should drink most of the water in the morning.
15. Choose vitamins
Scientists have calculated that in a dietary diet, when calculating 2000 calories per day, you will not have enough vitamins that are found in foods. In this case, you need to correctly compose the menu so as not to face a lack of vitamins and minerals. And naturally, take the time to consult your doctor for a vitamin prescription.
16. Don’t forget about physical activity.
In order to establish a metabolism, you need to be physically active. The metabolic rate is determined by the amount of muscle mass. After 30 years, every year 2-2,5 kilograms of muscle mass go away. To preserve it, you need to play sports.
17. Control loads
You need to play sports at a time when you are comfortable. Optimally – at 11 o’clock in the afternoon or at 19 o’clock. But the best time is when it is convenient for you, so as not to rush.
18. Get Started Now
You should have cardio workouts at least 5-6 times a week. First of all, you can stop using the elevator.
19. Quit smoking
Necessarily! A person, smoking 20 cigarettes, spends 150 calories of energy, so giving up a bad habit, start walking. Either try to eat 150 fewer calories, or you may actually gain extra pounds over time. The habit of smoking is the desire to occupy your hands with something. Before you quit smoking, decide what you need to change in your diet in order to lose those extra pounds and get away from the bad habit. If you haven’t already, switch to fractional meals.
20. Pay attention to age.
If you are young, you can experiment with nutritional programs and diets. But if you are over 40, the time for experimentation is over. There should not be any extreme programs with your diet, otherwise your muscle mass will decrease and the body will have stress.