Margarita Koroleva’s diet, 9 days, -7 kg

Losing weight up to 7 kg in 9 days.

The average daily calorie content is 680 Kcal.

This weight loss system was developed by Russian nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. In total, it lasts 9 days (3 days, 3 mono-diets). Many representatives of show business, which they do not hide, turn to the weight loss method developed by the Queen. They say that the singer Valeria was able to lose 6 kilograms on her. Let’s take a closer look at the stellar diet.

Diet requirements of Margarita Koroleva

Every 3 days, according to the Queen’s diet, you need to saturate the body with certain foods. Carbohydrates go straight into battle. Then proteins come into play, contributing to the active breakdown of fats. And the mission is completed by vegetables that cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that provoke excess weight and disagreements with health.

Throughout every day, Margarita Koroleva recommends drinking plenty of water (2-2,5 liters of clean water). But the author of the technique warns that fluid intake is broken down in the same way as nutrition. Drink water in at least 6 visits (and preferably 8-10). Go to the watering hole more often in the morning. Less often – in the second, so as not to provoke the appearance of puffiness due to high fluid intake in the late afternoon.

In order to keep the result achieved on the diet, after leaving it, it is very important to adhere to the following rules, which Margarita Koroleva reasonably insists on.

Be sure to have breakfast. The first meal helps to start the metabolism and, as a result, not to overeat in the future. Indeed, often, without having breakfast, a person simply pounces on lunch or, even better, dinner. With such eating behavior, he easily stimulates the appearance of extra pounds in a short time.

The author of the diet calls for always eating consciously. When you are going to use this or that product, ask yourself the question what useful it can bring to the body? Indeed, some foods can, on the contrary, harm health.

Try to switch to fractional meals forever and eat in 3-4 hours, avoiding long hungry pauses. In this case, it is important to monitor the volume of food. One meal should not exceed 250 g. If it is not possible to weigh, you can use a regular glass and control what you have eaten in this way: at a time we eat a portion that fits into one glass.

Add spices to your diet, spices that help speed up metabolism and prevent excess weight accumulation.

In order not to give any chances for excess weight to return, once a week the Queen recommends unloading as follows. During the day, drink 1-1,5 liters of low-fat or low-fat fermented milk product in equal portions and at approximately equal intervals.

Don’t forget about physical activity. If you want to lose weight, exercise should last at least 40 minutes, since fat is actively burned only 20 minutes after the start of the workout.

Try to avoid fried foods altogether. It is better to add a little vegetable oil (which is not worth saying unconditionally) to the ready-made dish, and a little.

Even in non-dietary times, do not overuse protein foods. As the nutritionist notes, for women, their rate should be 250 g per day, for men – a maximum of 300 g.

Margarita Koroleva’s diet menu

First 3 days – rice, water and honey.

Margarita Koroleva recommends using white rice, preferably long-grain rice. How to cook it? The night before, pour the required portion (250 g) of rice with cold water, rinse thoroughly in the morning and send to cook. For cooking, pour the rice with hot water (ratio 1: 2). Cook for about 15 minutes. We eat rice fractionally, for 5-6 times, approximately in equal portions when feeling hungry.

But honey, to give the body vigor and refueling with useful substances, it is recommended to eat between meals, not combining either with rice or water.

Second 3 days – boiled lean meat or fish.

It is recommended to consume up to 1200 g of meat per day, or up to 700 g of fish. Meat and fish days can be alternated. This, in particular, helps to ensure that the same type of menu does not bore you and does not provoke a breakdown. Cooking these products is one of the following methods: in a double boiler, boil, stew or bake. When consuming, be sure to remove the skin and remove particularly oily particles. Just like rice, we eat meat and fish products, dividing them into 5-6 equal portions. The last portion should be consumed, maximum, before 19 pm, or at least 2-3 hours before the night’s rest (if you go to bed very late, and such pauses between meals are like torture for you). You can add herbs to dishes, but you should not use salt. By the way, the same recommendation for the first three days, when rice is the favorite.

The final 3 days – 1 kg of vegetables per day.

The nutritionist recommends giving preference to vegetables of white and green colors (in particular, such as cucumbers, cabbage, onions, young zucchini). Colored vegetables are also allowed, but there should be fewer of them on your menu than the previous ones. From color in priority tomatoes, beets, carrots, bell peppers. It is advisable to eat half of the allowed amount of vegetables raw, and the other half boiled, baked or stewed (but remember that we do not add oil). You can also add 3 tsp to the daily diet. quality honey that can be dissolved in water. In addition to water, you can drink green tea without sugar. Like the six previous days, eat fractionally.

Contraindications to the Koroleva diet

1. Sitting on a diet of Margarita Koroleva is prohibited for those people who have gastritis, stomach ulcers, serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

2. In any case, since this nine-day diet is quite strict, it is best to consult a doctor. Go through at least an elementary examination before starting it. Perhaps you yourself do not know about some problems with your body. Be careful.

3. It is worth noting that the recommended kefir day does not need to be spent by those who have diseases of the genitourinary system. Select a different unloading and carry out it in consultation with an experienced technician.

4. Don’t start dieting even if you have a common cold or sickness. Wait until the body returns to normal, and only then lose weight.

5. It is worth taking a break from losing weight, or at least softening dietary rules if you are sick.

Advantages of Margarita Koroleva’s diet

1. The undoubted plus of the diet is its effectiveness. As people of average build note, for their efforts they were rewarded with a loss of up to 5 kg of excess weight. Full ones often threw off all 10 kg. So there is no reason to doubt the effectiveness of the Koroleva’s nutritional system.

2. Diet helps to improve metabolism. Metabolism is accelerating. So when you switch to a balanced, no-nonsense, healthy diet after a diet, you probably won’t get better.

3. It is worth noting that the diet is made up of healthy foods that will help fund the body with all the elements it needs. We propose to pay more attention to the beneficial properties of the products included in the diet of Margarita Koroleva.

4. In the first three days you need to eat rice. It is rich in amino acids, B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthen the heart muscle, supply the body with iodine, phosphorus and calcium. Rice, like a brush, removes excess sodium in the form of salts from the body. Rice is especially useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Also, regular consumption of rice in moderation helps maintain blood pressure at the correct level. It removes rice from the body and excess fluid, often provoking edema.

5. The fish recommended for the second sector of the diet is rich in various valuable minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Regular consumption of fish and various seafood helps to prolong the body’s youth and improve its appearance. Also, these products help fight atherosclerosis and cardiovascular problems. Great use of seafood also affects the level of hemoglobin. Fish very well compensates for the lack of iron in the human body.

6. Meat provides us with a lot of protein – the main building material that helps to nourish muscles, thereby ridding the body of excess fat and, therefore, contributing to weight loss. Meat contains an essential set of amino acids to help the body function properly. Also, these amino acids are involved in the synthesis of growth hormones, which is why meat consumption is so important for children from an early age.

7. It is impossible to ignore and vegetables, which are in special honor in the extreme three-day diet. The main advantages of vegetable products include the fact that they have a beneficial effect on the body’s immune system as a whole, preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases. Most vegetables contain nutrients that are completely absorbed by the body and accumulate in it. Eating vegetables also helps reduce the risk of lung disease, heart disease, cancer, and a host of other health problems.

Disadvantages of Margarita Koroleva’s diet

1. Although the products used in the diet are useful in themselves, vitamins and minerals may not be enough for the body, since they are taken separately. Some will be enough, while others will be in short supply.

2. Blood sugar, especially on rice days, can fluctuate unfavorably.

3. And purely meat days (in particular, chicken days) can affect the water-salt balance not in the most positive way.

4. Also, some people feel hungry, not eating the amount of food allowed for the day and feeling uncomfortable.

Repeated implementation of the Koroleva diet

This diet is not recommended for earlier than 3 weeks. And it is better to regularly adhere to the rules of a reasonable diet, including those given by the Queen. Then, for sure, you will not have to return to the issue of actively dumping the accumulated unnecessary weight again.

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