Margarita Koroleva, diet, nutritionist

Margarita Koroleva, diet, nutritionist

For more than four hours Omsk women learned the secrets of a slender body at the master class of the famous Moscow nutritionist Margarita Koroleva “An Easy Way to Harmony: Lose Weight Forever!”

Slender and radiant Margarita Koroleva gave a four-hour master class almost without stopping. With her appearance, the nutritionist has inspired many women who came to find out what will help them get rid of the hated kilograms forever. Despite the late hour, Omsk residents did not let the guest of the capital for a long time and bombarded the nutritionist with questions about proper nutrition and waited for the Queen to reveal to them the long-awaited secret of eternal harmony. And these secrets turned out to be quite simple. You just need to not be lazy and clearly understand why you are doing this.

The guests of the master class became interested in the books by the Queen

Are you ready to find out what advice the nutritionist gave to Omsk women? Read about it on the next page.

The Queen surprised Omsk with her slimness

Losing weight forever is real, says a Moscow nutritionist. The main thing is to adhere to a few simple rules that will eventually become a habit with you.

So, what does Margarita Koroleva advise for those who want to lose extra pounds?

1. Motivation. An important point in the process of losing weight. Everyone’s motivation is different. But, as a rule, it all comes down to one thing: either to please the opposite sex, or the goal is to get the desired position. “Never listen to your friends or follow their advice,” warns Margarita. “Because, apart from yourself, no one else is interested in your health and success.” Therefore, think and clearly define for yourself whether you want to lose weight or not. Only clear objectives and clear incentives will bring the desired results.

2. Fractional power… You should eat every 2–2,5 hours, but the frequency of meals should not exceed 5–6 times. The basic rule: you must have breakfast! It is a delicious and healthy breakfast that gives the body the energy it needs during the day. But you need to take breakfast right too. Try to leave your morning meal within the first hour after waking up, and remember to drink a glass of water before that. “By the way, it is better to drink water before breakfast without getting out of bed and reclining,” the nutritionist shared her secret.

3. Gymnastics. You need to start the day with breathing exercises, which Margarita Koroleva advises to do before breakfast. A couple of simple exercises will help your body burn fat cells faster. “Don’t forget about physical activity,” emphasizes the Queen. – Walk more outdoors, walk and exercise. Exercise should be done for a maximum of 30 minutes a day, three times a week. After all, the rate of weight loss depends on our metabolism. And in order to get the results you want, you need to move more. For example, I live on the 10th floor, but I always go up to the apartment on foot, – the slender Queen shared her personal experience. “And be sure to check your thyroid gland, as it is this gland that affects the metabolic rate.”

4. Proper nutrition. Only natural products, cereals, lean meat and dairy products should now become your true friends. The nutritionist advises to cook food in the following ways: boil, bake in foil, simmer without adding oil and, of course, steam. “Even if you come to a restaurant, ask the chef to cook your chosen dish steamed or grilled, and always without salt,” the nutritionist advises.

5. Keep a diary… This will help you control your daily routine and nutrition. “Before you eat something, write it down. And then see if you can cross out something halfway through. Seeing a food diary, you will see how much you eat, what foods, how much liquid you drink – everything will be in front of your eyes, – says the Queen. “Then it will be easier for you to keep track of what helped you and what did not.”

What you need to give up for the sake of a slim figure, read on the next page!

Of course, on the way to a slim figure and a healthy body, you will not be able to avoid inhibitions. What is worth giving up on the way to her slender dream, Margarita Koroleva also told Omsk women.

Don’t eat after seven o’clock in the evening. This is known to everyone and everyone, and yet these are not just words, but really the very first and strict prohibition. The fact is that metabolic processes in the body slow down in the evening and food cannot be completely absorbed, but only replenishes the supply of fat deposits. If hunger is completely unbearable, then green tea with a spoonful of honey will save you in this situation. Slowly dissolve the honey and wash it down with tea, you will feel the hunger gradually go away. It will also be correct and useful to eat grapefruit or pomegranate.

Can’t stand thirst… You need to drink a lot and often, drink up to 2,5 liters of clean drinking water a day. Moreover, do this throughout the day, and not in any case before going to bed, because then instead of a healthy, rested look, you will only get swelling.

Give up salt. Skip this spice for at least the first two weeks. If it is very difficult, then put one grain of sea salt on your tongue and suck it up. Believe me, this is enough for you. After two weeks, you can return salt to your diet, but you are unlikely to want to consume it in the same amount. By the way, you should also refrain from salty foods.

Do not weigh yourself. Strange locked up for those looking to lose weight, you say. “If you want to lose weight, then you should not use rotten spread on your body and weigh yourself every day. Once a week is enough, ”explains Margarita Koroleva.

Recipes for delicious and healthy cereals from Margarita Koroleva on the next page!

Already at the end of the master class, Margarita Koroleva shared with everyone who gathered a few simple breakfast recipes that will help keep you slim. By the way, the Queen herself adheres to exactly these recipes. And, looking at it, you immediately believe in their effectiveness.

First option… Boil oatmeal or rolled oats in water, add sunflower or pumpkin seeds, tangerine or orange slices. If desired, you can add orange juice to the porridge.

The second option… Soak parboiled rice in cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, boil the cereals and, if desired, add vegetables or fruits that you like.

The third option. We take cereals with an exotic name of quinoa, cook for about 20-30 minutes. Add pear pieces to it. Bon Appetit!

This includes almost all dairy products, but only natural and low fat. For example, cottage cheese should be consumed 5%, yogurt without various additives, and be sure to watch that its fat content does not exceed 4%. Other dairy products should appear in the refrigerator: kefir, acidophilus, etc.

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