Marek Balicki, plenipotentiary for reform in psychiatry

In the Journal of Laws of the Ministry of Health, the ordinance of the Minister of Health of 29 July 2019 on the appointment of the Minister of Health’s Plenipotentiary for Reform in Psychiatry was published.

In the picture. Marek Balicki

Marek Balicki became the plenipotentiary for the reform in psychiatry.

The tasks of the attorney include:

  1. initiating and coordinating activities aimed at the reform and development of psychiatric care in the Republic of Poland, with the exception of addiction treatment,
  2. coordinating the implementation of the assumptions of the National Mental Health Program in the field of psychiatric care reform,
  3. performing other tasks ordered by the Minister of Health,
  4. presenting to the Minister of Health:
  1. information on analyzes, assessments and conclusions related to the implementation of tasks,
  2. proposals in the field of legislative, organizational and financial solutions recommended for the development of psychiatric care.

The Plenipotentiary performs tasks in cooperation with the units involved in the reform process and development of psychiatric care, subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for health, in particular with the National Health Fund, the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System and the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, and also with the national consultant in the field of psychiatry and the national consultant in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry.

The Minister of Health authorizes the Plenipotentiary to participate in the work of the Mental Health Council.

Organizational units of the Ministry of Health and units subordinate to or supervised by the minister responsible for health support the plenipotentiary in the performance of the tasks entrusted to him, in particular by providing him with information and documents necessary for the performance of his tasks, in accordance with their competences specified in the ordinance of the minister of health of February 6 2019 on establishing the organizational regulations of the Ministry of Health (Journal of Laws of the Ministry of Health, items 12, 37 and 56).

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The plenipotentiary may cooperate with public administration bodies and non-governmental organizations as well as other national entities involved in the reform and development of psychiatric care in the Republic of Poland.

The Plenipotentiary’s service in the performance of his tasks is provided by the Department of Public and Family Health in the Ministry of Health.

The representative is entitled to reimbursement of the costs of business trips in the territory of the country, in connection with the implementation of the tasks entrusted, on the terms specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of January 29, 2013 on receivables due to an employee employed in a state or local government budgetary unit for travel business.

The minister of health supervises the activities of the plenipotentiary.

Source: Journal of Laws

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