Tatar maple is great for growing in urban areas. The tree has pronounced decorative qualities, resistant to the manifestation of adverse environmental factors. The plant is often planted in parks and squares, in personal plots.

Maple Tatar grows well in difficult urban conditions, tolerant of environmental pollution
Description of the Tatar maple
The Latin name of the tree Aser tatarium (Acer tataricum) is identical in lexical meaning to the name “Tatar maple”. A popular decorative culture grows in most regions. The heads of city services and the owners of country houses appreciate the plant for its unpretentiousness.
Another attractive quality of the tree is the rich color of the large leaves and lionfish seeds. For the dark color of the bark, the Tatar maple got a second name – black maple. Also, among the people, the plant is often referred to as “neklen” for the atypical shape of the leaf plates.
Dimensions of Tatar maple
Plants of this breed are small in size (up to 6 m). With free growth, individual specimens of trees reach 9-12 m in height.
The shape of the crown of the Tatar maple is spherical or ovoid, the width in diameter is 5 m, the gap from the ground to the leafy canopy is about 1 m. Under favorable conditions, the Tatar maple lives up to 100 years or more.
Flowering maple Tatar
Throughout the warm season, Tatar maple pleases the eye with its elegant appearance. In spring, it is strewn with white-yellow inflorescences-panicles. By summer, green lionfish fruits on long petioles are formed at the tips of the branches, which gradually turn pink, and become bright red or orange by autumn. Flying seeds consist of two symmetrical halves diverging at an acute angle.

Tatar maple is a honey plant, its fragrant flowers attract bees in early summer
Advantages and disadvantages
Maple Tatar shows resistance to drought. The fact is that the root system of the Tatar maple is highly branched, due to which the plant absorbs more moisture from the soil.

The undoubted advantage of the tree is considered to be an extensive crown, which forms a significant shadow over the area.
- undemanding to the structure of the soil, the level of its salinity;
- withstands air pollution by chemicals and physical particles;
- does not respond to a sharp change in temperature, survives severe frosts;
- develops well both in shady areas and in sunlit places;
- does not get sick and does not attract pests;
- coexists without problems with other tree species;
- has high decorative qualities;
- easily tolerates sanitary pruning, can be subjected to a variety of molding.
- it is impossible to control the reproduction of the plant.
Classification of the Tatar maple
The plant acquired the second name “black maple” because of the bark. It is smooth and painted in a dark (almost black) color. Another name “neklen” is explained by the shape of the leaves of the tree. Unlike other members of the family, the Tatar maple has whole, oval, serrated edges.
Planting maple Tatar
Tatarian maple seedlings can be purchased at nurseries. Before buying, they must be inspected for the absence (presence) of damage, rot. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is a necessary condition for planting a plant and successfully adapting to a new place.
Disembarkation dates
The best time for planting young plants is early spring, when the buds have not yet opened on the tree. In late autumn, after the leaves have fallen, planting work can also be carried out.
Place of planting
The site where the seedlings are planned to be placed should be dry and well lit. An important requirement for the territory: groundwater should not be located close to the surface. When moisture stagnates, it is necessary to organize a drainage system. Suitable for these purposes:
- pebbles;
- gravel;
- crushed stone;
- broken brick.
The thickness of the drainage layer is 15-20 cm. Excess water will not stagnate in the soil and damage the root system of the tree.
Rules of landing
For growing Tatar maple, soil is suitable, consisting of humus, turf and sand, taken in equal proportions. The acidity of the earth should be in the range of 6,0-7,5. It is desirable to add 120-150 g of nitrate fertilizer, for example, nitroammophoska, to depleted soil.
Landing algorithm:
- Make a hole 50-70 cm deep.
- The seedling is placed in the hole without deepening the basal neck.
- Form a near-trunk circle.
- Watered with settled water.
- Mulch the ground.
It is better to use peat as mulch. To deoxidize the earth, you can add needles, for alkalization – dolomite flour or lime. In the case of spring work, the soil is prepared in advance, in the previous autumn.
Features of care
Young trees need daily plentiful watering. Under each seedling pour 20 liters of water. In the future, the number of waterings is reduced to once a week. It is enough to moisten adult specimens once a month, with the exception of dry summers.
So that the roots of the plant receive enough oxygen, the soil is carefully loosened. You can reduce the evaporation of moisture by organizing mulching. Within 3-4 years, seedlings are fed with mineral compounds. In March and November, the trees are subjected to sanitary pruning. The procedure involves the elimination of dry branches and damaged shoots.

The Tatar maple looks presentable if the crown is formed at the beginning of summer
Reproduction of the Tatar maple
The Tatar maple spreads well. Reproduction of decorative culture is carried out in several ways:
- cuttings (green or woody);
- layering;
- undergrowth;
- seeds.
During vegetative propagation, lignified cuttings 25 cm long are harvested in autumn. They are added dropwise for the winter, and planted in early spring.
Growing Tatar maple from seeds provides for their stratification. Seed material is kept in a cold place for five months. Optimum temperature for seed hardening 0-5 0C.
Diseases and pests
Maple Tatar is resistant to pests and pathogens. Usually the infection affects weakened plants. Trees can be affected by powdery mildew and black spot. Plantings of the Tatar maple due to adverse weather conditions are invaded by insect pests:
- long-nosed;
- whiteflies;
- June;
- sawyer;
- aphids.
At the initial stage, folk remedies are used to combat fungi and parasites that have occupied tree plantations. In the absence of a result, modern biological and chemical substances are used.

To prevent fungal diseases in early spring, trees are irrigated with copper sulphate.
Tatar maple in landscape design
Urban landscapers are happy to use Tatar maple in the design of landscape areas. Low, spreading trees look great both in single and in group plantings. Next to the maple, all coniferous tree species, as well as deciduous trees: birch, oak and linden, feel good. Due to the difference in textures and color of the leaves, it is possible to create catchy compositions. Chernoklen is a fertile material for decorative hedges. Plant fences are stylish and quite dense. In autumn, maple plantings are especially impressive with their golden-scarlet color.

The homeowner, forming a hedge, determines its optimal height
Features of the appearance of this tree species are presented in the video:
Tatar maple is not only a wonderful landscape plant designed to decorate city streets and home gardens. Large groups of unpretentious trees are used to protect the residential area from harmful emissions from enterprises, as well as agricultural plantings, especially in the steppe climate.