Maple Syrup: Homemade Recipe + Tips

Everyone knows that maple syrup is commercially produced in Canada. But in the middle lane and even in the southern latitudes, maple trees grow, which are suitable for sap intake.

The only difficulty is to have time to collect the juice. After all, its active movement in a maple, when you can collect the juice and not harm the tree, is much shorter than that of a birch.

In Canada, “Sugar Maple” grows, which is mainly used for the production of syrup, but also quite good syrup is obtained from red maple, black and holly.

Tips before starting

  1. You need to find a maple tree that is already 30 years old. The thickness of the tree should be 20 cm.

  2. The concentration of sugar in maple sap is from 4% to 6% and to get 1 liter of maple syrup, you need about 40 liters of sap.

  3. Maple sap begins to ferment quickly enough, so you can collect and store it in the refrigerator before cooking for no more than a week.

maple syrup recipe

  1. The juice is filtered, poured into a wide pan and boiling begins.

  2. A huge amount of water evaporates, so syrup is most often brewed on the street, or in a kitchen equipped with a good hood. In no case should you leave boiling juice on the stove unattended.

  3. During the preparation of maple syrup, a color change occurs. It becomes much darker. Of course, the taste of the product also changes.

  4. At home, in order to prepare maple syrup, use the “batch” approach. This means that the juice is placed in a container for evaporation and actually heated. As the water evaporates, juice is added to this container until the required amount of syrup is obtained.

  5. When preparing a maple syrup recipe at home, use a large container, preferably with a Teflon coating, as the syrup can burn.

  6. In order to prepare maple syrup, it is better to take a deep container to prevent the resulting foam from “running away”, by the way, the foam must be regularly removed.

  7. To speed up the evaporation process of maple syrup, it is better to use wide containers. If we take into account that the area of ​​the evaporated surface will be 30 sq. cm, then we need 28-56 hours.

  8. The evaporating vessel must be deep, as the syrup must constantly boil. The higher the concentration of sugar in maple syrup, the higher the boiling point.

  9. At the end of maple syrup preparation, the boiling point is 7 degrees higher than the boiling point of water. If the boiling point of maple syrup is higher than 7,5 degrees, then you need to add more juice and bring the syrup to the desired temperature.

  10. When the maple syrup has reached the correct temperature, it is ready to be filtered and corked. Ideally, the percentage of sugar in maple syrup should not exceed 66%.

  11. If the indicator is less than 66%, the syrup will be watery and poorly preserved, and if the threshold is exceeded 66%, the syrup will become sugary.

  12. Hot maple syrup is filtered to remove sugar and various suspensions.

  13. For filtration, a woolen or synthetic filter is used. The syrup is then cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

Relevance: 29.08.2019

Tags: Syrup Recipes

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