
Useful properties and application of maple

Useful properties of maple


The beneficial properties of maple were known even to the Indians of North America, and to this day Americans love to use juice syrup prepared according to a special recipe. Maple juice contains reproduced sugars, trace elements, vitamins, tannins, lipids and unsaturated fatty acids. Young leaves of the plant have tonic and restorative properties. Choleretic, antiseptic and wound-healing features of the plant have been identified, so the range of its use in folk medicine is very wide.

Maple application

Clen is an excellent antidepressant, well relieves nervous tension caused by stress, reduces aggression, harmonizes, and leads to energy recovery. The bark, leaves, fruits and flowers of maple can always be used for any disease; over the centuries of use of the plant, many recipes have been compiled. A broom made of maple, as well as a birch broom, is taken to the bath – this is a useful attribute. Maple sap healed wounds, healed ulcers. It produces an unusually tasty syrup – a natural, environmentally friendly product containing minerals.

There is a rich complex in maple sap B vitamins: for example, thiamine affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. The juice of the plant is a real storehouse antioxidants, among which there are polyphenols that contribute to the rapid recovery of cancer patients. It is recommended to use it for heart problems. The content of fructose allows the use of condensed juice for people weighed down by obesity and diabetics. By adding syrup to the diet for violations of the functions of the pancreas, patients receive the help of abscisic acid (phytohormone).

For the preparation of syrup, the juice of only a few types of maple is used, namely: black, red, silver and sugar. Fresh, finely chopped leaves are applied to damaged skin, decoctions and juice are drunk with beriberi and asthenia. Viral infections, kidney diseases, hepatitis, bronchitis are treated more effectively if curative agents from maple are added to the complex of drugs. There is an opinion that the ashes of the tree bark, diluted in water, promote good hair growth.

maple fruit

Maple fruits perform the function of reproduction of trees inherent in them by nature. Some sources mention their benefits as a diuretic and antimicrobial agent. A decoction of maple seeds is useful for stomatitis or any inflammation of the oral cavity.

Broth recipe: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials is boiled for 30 minutes in a glass of water, after cooling, filter and add water to the original volume.

What are the fruits of maple?

The fruit of the maple is the lionfish. This so-called achene with a leathery dry pericarp has a flat fibrous pterygoid outgrowth. It is easily carried by the wind, amusingly moving through the air with spiral movements, thanks to which the plant multiplies, taking root at long distances in the forest stands.

maple flower

Greenish-yellow maple flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, located at the ends of the branches. Flowers may be dioecious or bisexual on the same tree. The nectaries exude abundant sweet liquid, which is why insects adore this honey plant.

Ash-leaved maple


It is believed that the ash-leaved maple, a North American inhabitant, was brought to Europe in the second half of the XNUMXth century. This plant is unpretentious and quickly spread. It perfectly tolerates atmospheric pollution and is therefore used in the landscaping of industrial and industrial centers in the West. Today, this type of plant can be seen not only in Europe: Central Asia and Kazakhstan have also become habitats for these trees, which prefer sunny deserts and irrigated ditches.

This maple is most often used to breed new, original varieties – such as, for example, the Flamingo variety, which is distinguished by the white and pink color of young leaves.

red maple

Red maple grows on the east coast of North America, in the north and south of the country. It is used to make maple syrup. This species is more of an ornamental plant, unpretentious, can adapt to wet soils. The leaves are painted in red and yellow-orange tones. The plant looks especially elegant in autumn. Spring shoots are decorated with red buds.

Japanese maple

The Japanese maple is an ornamental, attractive, low tree native to Japan, Korea, and China. Japanese maples can be called shrubs, they grow slowly, have a bark with a beautiful pattern, a pretty crown with thin branches and small, elegant, variegated leaves.

Ginnal maple

Ginnal maple has been cultivated since 1860, it is an excellent ornamental plant that is used to create group or single plantings. This plant is an excellent honey plant, it blooms during the absence of flowering of other plants. In autumn, the Ginnala maple adorns the landscape with a dense mosaic of fiery red leaves. The plant is a representative of the Far Eastern flora, found on the Amur, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan and in Northeast China.

field maple

The area of ​​distribution of field maple is from broad-leaved forests of the European part of Russia, Western Europe and to Asia Minor. This is a wonderful spring honey plant, large arrays of which provide good honey productivity. One hectare produces 1000 kilograms of honey. The flowers of the plant are rich in pollen.

Spring juice is obtained from this variety of maple. It contains sucrose, it can be drunk fresh or as part of soft drinks, maple syrup is tasty and healthy. Fatty oils were found in the seeds (29,5%). The leaves contain resin and rubber. They are ensiled together with branches for feeding animals.

Contraindications to the use of clen

No contraindications for maple have been identified: in addition to enriching the body with amazingly useful substances, it gives an incredibly tasty product – syrup, added to culinary dishes.

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