“Many people are ashamed of their feet.” What does the podiatrist see in the office?

Cracked and calloused heels, ingrown toenails, bunions, mycosis – these are just a few examples of foot problems. The podiatrist can see if the patient has diabetes, and the feet also have neurological diseases. – People struggling with inflammation or rheumatism also come to my office – says Jolanta Kopeć, a podiatrist.

  1. Podology covers issues from many fields of medicine: diabetology, neurology, dermatology, osteology and lymphology
  2. Cracked skin on the heels may indicate the coexistence of various diseases: thyroid disorders, diabetes or kidney diseases
  3. Foot problems often mean difficulties affecting other parts of the body: the pelvis, torso, hips, knees, neck, and even the bite
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Every day we do not realize that the feet carry a weight almost 4,5 times greater than the weight of the human body. They not only lift, but also support the body and absorb overload.

It was calculated that with feet in our entire life we ​​could go around the globe at least twice. The foot is one of the most complex parts of the body: it consists of 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 32 muscles – 20 of them are responsible for maintaining proper posture.

– The feet are exposed to many diseases. Symptoms can be very unpleasant, often they hinder normal functioning. The most common problems include dry and cracked heels, ingrown toenails, foot and nail fungus, and hyperhidrosis of the feet. We also diagnose viral warts, corns, calluses and subungual hematomas. The condition of the feet indicates many diseases that develop in our body – says Dr. Victor Szymasiuk, co-owner of the Helse Medica Clinic.

Podiatry is closely related to medicine

– When a podiatrist looks at a patient’s feet, he can see, for example, that he has diabetes. He also sees vascular problems, including varicose veins. Neurological and orthopedic problems manifest themselves on the feet. The latter include, among others, bunions and flat feet. People struggling with inflammation or rheumatism also come to my office. However, this does not change the fact that when there is a suspicion of the disease, in addition to a podiatry consultation, it is necessary to perform specialist examinations ordered by a doctor – adds Jolanta Kopeć, podiatrist.

Although podiatry is not a medical specialization, and in Poland it is a relatively new field of cosmetology – the profession of a podiatrist was entered into the register of professions only in 2015 – it deals with the treatment and prevention of pathological changes in the feet and nails.

Podology is closely related to medicine, because in addition to diabetology and neurology, it covers issues in such areas as dermatology, osteology (the study of the skeletal system), lymphology (the study of the lymphatic system), myology (the study of muscles), and phlebology (the study of veins). , angiology (the study of the vascular and lymphatic systems) or biotribology (the science that describes the processes of friction, wear and lubrication in friction nodes occurring in living organisms).

The podiatry examination is very important

A frequent problem faced by patients of podiatry are the so-called fissures, or cracking skin on the heels. They may result from the coexistence of various diseases, such as thyroid disorders. Cracking also accompanies diabetes and kidney disease. If left untreated, fissures can crack the entire heel, and walking can be very painful. Each podiatrist conducts a detailed interview in order to implement the appropriate therapy.

– The podiatry examination is divided into two stages. First of all, I conduct a subjective examination, i.e. a thorough medical interview. I collect all information about the patient’s ailments and diseases, because they are very important and decide on the treatment plan. I am asking about chronic diseases, under the supervision of which specialist the patient is, what medications he takes, and whether he has circulatory problems. In addition, information about pain while walking, swelling of the lower limbs, and disturbed sensation in the feet is also important – lists Kopeć.

But that’s not all: the podiatry history also shows whether the patient has hypertension, varicose veins, rheumatoid arthritis, mycosis or psoriasis, problems with ingrown nail plate and what surgical procedures were performed.

If you want to take care of your feet, reach for Bioherba Foot Cream containing 15% urea, which restores tissue softness and supports skin regeneration.

Genes and lifestyle affect the well-being of the feet

– A physical examination is the observation of the skin, its color and pigmented changes. And, of course, the condition of the nails and the shape of the feet. My role is to recognize ingrown nails, reasons for their growth stoppage, damage to the matrix and nail plate. Interestingly, a significant group of surgical patients at the Helse Medica Clinic are teenagers who undergo nail plasty due to the problem of ingrown nails – explains the podiatrist.

Disadvantages such as onycholysis, i.e. the detachment of the nail plate from the placenta, mycosis, corns, bunions, calluses, warts, corns or deformation of the feet are mainly due to the lack of prophylaxis.

– And also the decision made too late to see a specialist. There is also a lack of education. It is a pity, because the podiatrist is able to diagnose the disease in a stage that is not yet recognized by the patient. Our feet are affected by the genes we inherit. The lifestyle is also important – emphasizes Jolanta Kopeć.

Pimples, blisters, white coating. What else should worry us?

– Prevention plays a huge role. From an early age, parents should take care of the motor organs, because they are able to react as quickly as possible to disturbing symptoms in the way of moving, the appearance of the feet and nails. Taking action at the right time can save your child from serious problems in later years. Correct diagnostics, biomechanical and physiotherapeutic examination are of fundamental importance. All this in order to find the cause of the irregularity, and not only deal with the consequences – emphasizes Dr. Szymasiuk.

So what should we pay attention to when looking at our feet?

– Everything, really. Why? Because a foot problem means a problem with other parts of the body: pelvis, torso, hips, knees, neck and even the bite. Color, structure, shape, temperature are important, as well as paying attention to whether there are any new elements on the skin: pimples, blisters or white coating – explains Jolanta Kopeć, a podiatrist.

Let’s not be ashamed of the podiatrist!

How to take care of your feet? If we are struggling with cracked heels, it is worth rubbing them with urea cream. Nails must be cut straight, but not over and over again, because then the nail tends to grow ingrown. You should not burden your feet with high heels with narrow spikes, but completely flat shoes are also unsafe.

– Many people are ashamed of their feet. They postpone the decision to visit the podiatrist, wait until the pain is so troublesome that they can no longer walk. The problem is increasing, and this causes the treatment to take longer and more expensive. So let’s not be afraid, podiatrists and doctors are there to deal with any problems – emphasizes Dr. Victor Szymasiuk.

Foot problems? Remember about regular care. Try a moisturizing foot cream available from Medonet Market.

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