Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage

What is lymphatic drainage?

Used for medical or cosmetic purposes, manual lymphatic drainage is a massage that aims to stimulate the circulation of lymph. In this sheet, you will discover this practice in more detail, its principles, its techniques, its history, its benefits, who practices it, how and finally, the contraindications.

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate lymph circulation and detoxify the body, while strengthening the immune system. It is carried out with the fingers and the palms of the hands on the whole body, following the direction of lymphatic circulation and varying the pressure.

The main principles

Lymph is a colorless liquid which circulates in the lymphatic vessels thanks to the pulsating contractions of muscles and blood vessels. Like a waste disposal system, it drains excess fluids, toxins and cellular debris. Lymph nodes located along the lymphatic vessels, particularly in the folds of the groin, under the armpits and on either side of the neck, filter the lymph and eliminate the toxins and debris it carries.

When lymph circulation is poor, the body can weaken and become intoxicated, which can lead to various health problems: swelling of the limbs, premature aging, cellulite, heavy legs, stretch marks, etc.

Manual lymphatic drainage

There are two main methods in manual lymphatic drainage: the Vodder method and the Leduc method.

The Vodder method: according to this method, the lymph is evacuated using circular movements made with the hand, by varying the pressure.

The method of doctor Albert Leduc: this technique comes from the work of Vodder. It combines manual lymphatic drainage with the use of pressotherapy devices. The patient’s legs are wrapped in long inflatable boots connected to a compressor, which makes it possible to exert a determined pressure in various places.

Although there is no official body governing manual lymphatic drainage training, it seems that these two schools are authoritative. But other techniques, derived from these approaches, have also emerged. Let us mention, among others, the lympho-energy developed by Dominique Jacquemay. It includes the use of phyto-aromatic oils and treatments based on Chinese energetics

The benefits of lymphatic drainage

According to its practitioners, manual lymphatic drainage cleans and regenerates the body, accelerates healing and reduces the risk of infection. It would also be useful to treat problems related to blood and lymphatic circulation, such as varicose veins, cellulitis1 and venous insufficiency. But few scientific studies support these applications. For more details on the claimed therapeutic applications, see Dr. Vodder’s List of Indications and Contraindications.

Decrease lymphedema following cancer treatment

Based on the results of 2 study reviews, it appears that a combined decongestive therapy (CDT) approach, including manual lymphatic drainage, application of compression bandages, decongestant exercises, wearing a compression garment, and education as to preventive behaviors to adopt, can decrease the volume of lymphedema consecutive to breast cancer. Additionally, other randomized clinical studies concluded that adding manual lymphatic drainage to simple compression therapy would also be beneficial. After 6 months of treatment, the decrease in swelling, although not as significant as at the start of the operation, stabilized at an acceptable stage. It also resulted in a better quality of life and less pain.

Reduce edema and relieve pain in case of varicose veins

Manual lymphatic drainage may be considered a treatment for chronic venolymphatic insufficiency of the lower limbs (a disorder of the return of blood and lymphatic fluid to the heart). It would reduce edema which is a source of pain and inflammation18. However, this therapeutic approach has not been scientifically documented so far.

Relieve patients with fibromyalgia

A randomized clinical study, conducted in 50 subjects with fibromyalgia, evaluated the effect of manual lymphatic drainage compared to connective tissue massage as a potential treatment source. After 3 weeks of treatment, improvements in health and quality of life, and a decrease in pain were observed in subjects of the 2 groups. In the manual lymphatic drainage group, greater improvements in the level of fatigue upon waking and anxiety were noted compared to the other group.

Contribute to the treatment of lymphedema in the limbs

Manual lymphatic drainage has been the subject of few scientific studies in lymphedema resulting from obstruction of the lymphatic vessels. A review of studies concluded that manual lymphatic drainage, used alone, does not appear to be an effective approach to decrease lymphedema volume. But the researchers say more studies will be needed to better assess its effectiveness, alone or in combination with other therapies.

Lymphatic drainage in practice

Where to perform lymphatic drainage?

Manual lymphatic drainage is practiced in private practice, in clinics, hospitals and beauty care centers.

Course of a session

The duration of a session varies from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes. The naked person is lying on a massage table and covered with a sheet. The practitioner uncovers the area to be treated and performs a series of slow and gentle movements, similar to the effect of a wave, which create a pumping effect. The goal is to drain excess fluids from the tissues and improve circulation. Several sessions may be necessary before obtaining noticeable results.

Do-it-yourself lymphatic massage

Using your fingers, exert pressure on one of your lymphatic points then massage this point using circular movements for about ten seconds. There are about 90 lymph points in the body. The points to massage will depend on your problem. For example, you can perform this massage on the lymphatic points present on the legs, in case of heavy legs.

Contraindications of lymphatic drainage

Some disorders need to be treated with caution, including carotid sinus sclerosis, hyperthyroidism, thrombosis, cardiac edema and bronchial asthma. The practitioner will then exert softer pressure, away from the affected regions, and reduce the time of the session. In addition, it is contraindicated to treat without medical authorization any infection in the acute phase as well as tuberculosis and malignant tumors.

A brief history of manual lymphatic drainage

In 1892, the surgeon Winiwarter published a book on the treatment of lymphatic edemas in which he highlighted the interest of massage in order to reduce these edemas. A few years later, Dr. Fège also highlighted the interest of medical massage in reducing odemas. It was in the 1930s that manual lymphatic drainage was discovered by Emil Vodder, doctor of philosophy. Vodder worked as a masseur on the French Riviera. While dealing with individuals with chronic colds, he found that they had swollen lymph nodes. In 1932, Vodder decided to study the lymphatic system, and developed his technique for inducing lymphatic circulation. He then used this technique for other ailments for therapeutic and aesthetic purposes. It was not until 30 years later, in the 60s, that the scientific community began to study the lymphatic system and microcirculation in depth.

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